SP2 workshop 2020
Date: March 17-18 (2020)
Place: Madrid, Instituo de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, Campus de Cantoblanco – map
Invited speakers:
Reyes Calvo (Univ. Alicante)
Carmen Munuera (ICMM-CSIC)
Andrés Godoy (Univ. Granada)
Nacho Paredes (INCAR-CSIC)
Jorge Iribas (ICMM-CSIC)
Alba Centeno (Graphenea)
Elsa Prada (UAM)
Ignacio Jiménez (ICMM-CSIC)
Aitor Mugarza (ICREA-ICN2)
Cristina Gómez Navarro (UAM)
Grupo de Fernando Calle (A. Boscá, J. Pedrós, J. Martínez ) (UPM-ISOM)
Registration: link
The attendance to the workshop (including the conference fee and the coffee breaks) will be free, and is open to everybody. Membership to the SP2 network is not necessary, but workshop registration is required (deadline Feb 25th)
If you are interested in registering as a member of the SP2 network you are also welcome to do so here
SP2 workshop 2019
Date: April 4-5 (2019)
Place: Granada, Carmen de la Victoria (Thursday 4th) and Facultad de Ciencias de la UGR (Friday 5th) – map
Program: link
Invited speakers:
Sara Barja (CSIC-UPV/EHU)
Enrique Díez (Univ. Salamanca)
Dmitri Efetov (ICFO)
Aran García-Lekue (DIPC)
Manuela Garnica (IMDEA)
Pedro Gómez (ICN2)
Rainer Hillenbrand (CIC NanoGUNE)
Efrén Navarro Moratalla (Univ.Valencia)
Irene Palacio (ICMM)
Juanjo Palacios (UAM/IFIMAC)
Rubén Pérez (UAM/IFIMAC)
Stephan Roche (ICN2)
David Sánchez (UIB-CSIC)
Registration: link
The attendance to the workshop (including the conference fee and the coffee breaks) will be free, and is open to everybody. Membership to the SP2 network is not necessary, but workshop registration is required (deadline March 25th)
If you are interested in registering as a member of the SP2 network you are also welcome to do so here
First SP2 kick-off workshop 2018
Date: April 11 (2018)
Place: Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (Cantoblanco)
Program: link
Invited speakers:
P. Alonso (Univ. Oviedo)
B. Biel (UGR)
I. Brihuega (IFIMAC)
E. Coronado (ICMOL)
J. Fernández-Rossier (INL)
J. García de Abajo (ICFO)
F. Guinea (IMDEA Nano)
L. Hueso (NanoGune)
K. J. Tielrooij (ICFO)
L. Martín-Moreno (Univ. Zaragoza)
P. Ordejón (ICN2-CSIC)
J. F. Sierra (ICN2-CSIC)
M. M. Ugeda (NanoGune)
Registration: link
The attendance to the workshop (including the conference fee and the coffee breaks) will be free, and is open to everybody. Membership to the SP2 network is not necessary, but workshop registration is required (deadline March 30th)
If you are interested in registering as a member of the SP2 network you are also welcome to do so here
We acknowledge funding from the MINEICO project MAT2015-70333-REDE.