We will celebrate our ICMM Days at GSD International School Buitrago, where we will have a Lecture Hall, some space for our coffee breaks, lunch (included), and, of course, our rooms.
There are two types of rooms:
Quadruple Rooms:
They are situated in the main building of the facilities, on the upper floors. Each room will be filled by four people self-coordinated (you have received the email for that).
If there is anybody who does not appear on the room’s app, they must inform the organization team (comunicacion@icmm.csic.es) .
Single and Double rooms:
They are situated apart from the others and are meant for the Scientific Committee and the Ad Honoren Scientific that will join us these days.
The accommodation includes dinner (Thursday, 5th), and breakfast (Friday, 6th). All costs are paid by the ICMM.