Lorena Pardo has enjoyed a new stay under the Visiting Professor Programme at the “Dipartimento di Scienze chimiche, fisiche, matematiche e naturali» of the University of Sassari (UNISS, Italy).
Two previous stays took place in 2019 and 2023. See below the goup photo of the INMATE2LAB Research Group during the 2023 visit.
2023 Group at UNISS. From left to right: Prof. Sebastiano Garroni, Prof. Lorena Pardo, Prof. Gabriele Mulas, Prof. Stefano Enzo, Prof. Fabrizio Murgia, Dr. Marzia Mureddu and Dr. Luca Cappai.
This 2024 short visit was also dedicated again to programme the dissemination of the work carried out and the search for new topics and funding for future collaboration.
This visit had also the purpose to attend to Dr. Marzia Mureddu´s Ph.D. thesis defense, co-supervised by Lorena Pardo, within the XXXVI Cycle of the Ph.D. on Chemical Science and Technology. It took place on 25/06/2024 in a combined virtual and presential mode. Her scholarship received financial support within the PON‐RI Project coded CUP: J84G20000420001, participated also by the company ABINSULA S.p.A., and was supported by a joint agreement between Universities of Sassari and Cagliari (Italy) within the activities of the PhD program in Chemical and Technological Sciences. She carried on part of her Ph.D. thesis work in stays at ICMM during 2022 and 2023 under sponsorship of the Erasmus+ programme of UNISS and with the valuable collaboration of the other members of the MSC Group, José F. Bartolomé and Sonia López Esteban.
The work on “Sustainable development of high sensitivity piezoelectric ceramics in The BCZT system for applications in bio-devices” was brilliantly defended by the candidate that got the maximum grade, “Excellent Cum Laude”. Congratulations, Dr. Mureddu !!
25/06/2024 Dr. Marzia Mureddu Ph.D. Thesis defense. Group picture, from left to right: Prof. Stefano Enzo, Prof. Lorena Pardo, Dr. Marzia Mureddu, Prof. Sebastiano Garroni and Prof. Gabriele Mulas.
The Official “Giornatta del Dottorato di Ricerca 2024” took place on 27/06/2024.
Both Dr. Marzia Mureddu and Dr. Matteo Poddighe received their Diplomas at the Aula Magna of the University in a ceremony under the Presidence of the Dean of the University. In 2020, Dr. Poddighe got his M.Sc. thesis with a work on “Sintesi e caratterizzazione di piezoceramici “lead free” a base di niobato di sodio e potassio per applicazioni in ambito biomedicale”, also under the co-supervision of Lorena Pardo, after an stay in ICMM funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of UNISS in 2020. Congratulations Dr. Poddighe!!
Thank you to the entire group for another rewarding mission at UNISS.