Characterisation Techniques

Equipment: Characterization Techniques

Optical characterisation

  • UV-VIS-NIR: Spectrophotometer UV- 3600 Shimadzu, 190-3300 nm (resolution 0.1 nm) double beam with 3 detectors: 1 PMT for UV-VIS range and  2 Solid State Detectors (InGaAs y PbS) for NIR . Integrated sphere for total and difuse R-T measurements.
  • IR: Double beam spectrophotometer HITACHI 270-50, 250-4000 cm-1 . Resolution 1.5 cm-1/1000 cm-1 and 2.5 cm-1/1000 cm-1
  • Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR 1): Varian 660 FT-IR for NIR (11000-3000 cm-1) and MIR  (4000-400 cm-1) measurements.  DTGS and PbS detectors ,KBr and  quartz beamsplitters.
  • Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR 2): ABB – MB 3000. Measures in the mid-IR (500-4000 cm-1) with a resolution of up to 1 cm-1 with a single beam. Measurement Modes; Transmission and ATR (Attenuated Total Reflectance) and Specular Reflectance measurements through an ATR MIRacleTM module from PIKE TECHNOLOGIES.
  • Direct lecture Emissometer: Emissometer with Scaling Digital Voltmeter Model AE1 RD1 (Devices and Services Company) for emittance measurement of total hemispherical emittance at  65oC (± 0.01 emittance units)
  • Portable Raman Espectrometer : Excitation wavelenght: 532 nm (<50 mW), Spectral range:  65-3000 cm-1, Resolution: 3.5 cm-1(COMPLETAR POR ROBERTO)

Mechanical and tribological characterisation

  • Nanoindenter: MicroMaterials NanoTest Platform. Mechanical properties of thin films and coatings; Hardness, Modulus and Creep. Load resolution: 1 micronewton. Max Load: 500mN.


  • Pin-on disk (friction and wear tests): (Nacho J/Nacho C/Jose)

Morphological, surface, and compositional characterisation

  • Perfilometry:  VEECO DEKTAK 150 Surface Profiler with 3-D Mapping and Automation Packages included. Sample Viewing: Color Camera and Optical Assembly with Sample Illumination.
  • Contact angle and surface energy setup: (Nacho J/Nacho C/Jose)
  • Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy (GDOES): Jobin Yvon RF GD Profiler equipped with a 4 mm anode, operating in continous or pulsed mode. High erosion rate (>  1 µm min-1) to obtain fast and reliable depth profiles.  37 elements detected (see  Table)

Electrical characterisation

  • Four-probe resistivity setup :Resistivity measurement by four-point probe method (Jandel Model RM2 model). The test unit consists in a constant current source and a digital voltmeter, measuring in the range 199.99mV-1999.9 mV with an input impedance of 1000 mΩ


  • Stereomicroscope LEICA MZ12: Zoom 12.5:1 with interchangeable objectives. Objectives: : LEICA PLAN APO 1.0x. Eyepieces: 10x/21B and 25x/9.5B. Zoom Factor:0.8-10X. Cold light source LEICA CLS 100X. Video module LEICA IC A.

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