I'm physicist. Doctor rerum naturalis (Dr. rer. nat.) of the University of the Saar (UdS, Germany) and Doctor in Sciences (Physics) of the University Autónoma de Madrid (UAM, Spain).
After having finished my University studies (UAM, Madrid 1986) I left for Germany (Doctorate and Post-Doc) and stayed for 10 years at the UdS in Saarbrücken. During 2 years I worked in France as University teacher at the Université de Lorraine in Nancy. Nowadays I’m senior scientist at the ICMM in Madrid.
My speciality is Condensed Matter Physics especially in the field of the elastic and optical properties. The experimental technique that I use since 1988 is the Brillouin spectroscopy. I am responsible for the Lab at the ICMM devoted to this technique (BS-Lab).
Soy físico, Doctor rerum naturalis (Dr. rer. nat.) por la Universidad del Sarre (UdS, Alemania) y Doctor en Ciencias (Físicas) por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM, España).
Mi trayectoria profesional me ha llevado desde España (Licenciatura en 1986) a Alemania (10 años, doctorado y post doctorado en la Universidad del Sarre en Saarbücken, UdS) y a Francia (2 años, profesor en la Université de Lorraine en Nancy). Actualmente detento un puesto de Investigador Científico en el ICMM.
Mi especialidad es la física de la materia condensada especialmente en el terreno de las propiedades elásticas y ópticas. La técnica experimental que utilizo habitualmente desde 1988 es la espectroscopía Brillouin. Soy responsable del laboratorio dedicado a esta técnica en el ICMM (BS-Lab).
Investigador Científico del CSIC en el Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (Desde Marzo 2010)
Científico Titular del CSIC en el Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (Agosto 2000- Marzo 2010)
Científico Titular Interino (por oposición) en el Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (Enero - Agosto 2000)
Maître de Conférences en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad Henri Poincaré Nancy 1 (Cursos 1998 -1999 y 1999 - 2000)
Colaborador contratado en el Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (CSIC) (Sept. 1995- Febrero 1999).
Puesto de Post doctorado en la Universidad del Sarre en Saarbrücken (Enero 1993 - Sept.1995) subvencionado por la Comunidad de Investigación Alemana (DFG). Proyecto: KR653/5-2. (Colaborador contratado).
Beca de F.P.U. (Ref.: PG89 00802408) del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Saarbrücken, Dic. 1988 - Dic. 1992). (Doctorando).
Beca de intercambio del DAAD (313/025/006/8) en Saarbrücken (Sept. 1987 - Agosto 1988). (Becario de investigación).
Científico invitado en el marco del "Área especial de Investigación (SFB) 130 Ferroelektrika" en la Universidad del Sarre en Saarbrücken (Sept. 1986 - Mayo 1987). (Colaborador contratado).
Transitioning from Ionic Liquids to Deep Eutectic Solvents - Huan Zhang, Jose Manuel Vicent-Luna, Shuxia Tao, Sofia Calero, Rafael J. Jimenez Rioboo, Maria Luisa Ferrer, Francisco del Monte, Maria Concepcion Gutierrez, Acs Sustainable Chem. Eng. 10, 1231 (2022).
Dehydroxylation processing and lasing properties of a Nd alumino-phosphate glass
Monica Munoz-Quinonero, Jon. Azkargorta, Ignacio Iparraguirre, Rafael J. Jimenez-Rioboo, Gregory Tricot, Chongyoun Shao, Francisco Munoz, Joaquin Fernandez, Rolindes Balda,
J Alloy Compd 896, 163040 (2022).
In this work, we have studied the preparation and properties of an alumino-phosphate glass with composition 13Na2O-13K2O-16BaO-4Al2O3-54P2O5 (mol%). The first part of the work deals with the study of the processing conditions of the dehydroxylation of the phosphate glass, which was performed by remelting under N2 flow using graphite crucibles. Glass samples from 5 to 50 g and Nd2O3 doped were submitted to dehydroxylation and the influence of temperature, time, mass of glass and viscosity were correlated with the content of water in the glasses through the coefficient of absorption of OH ions. The network structure of the glasses was also determined by means of 31P and 27Al 1D/2D nuclear magnetic resonance and the local environment of Nd3+ ions was probed by electron paramagnetic resonance. The optimized conditions of processing were then used to obtain a dehydroxylated glass with a 2.5 wt% Nd2O3 whose spectroscopic and laser emission properties were studied. The spectroscopic properties of Nd3+ ions which include, JuddOfelt calculation, stimulated emission cross-section of the laser transition, lifetime, and quantum efficiency are presented. Site-selective laser spectroscopy and stimulated emission obtained under selective wavelength pumping along the 4I9/2 -> 4F5/2 absorption band were performed to determine the distribution of crystal field in which the rare earth is located, together with its influence in the pump wavelength dependence of the spontaneous and laser emissions of Nd3+ in this glass matrix. (c) 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. CC_BY_4.0
Transitioning from Ionic Liquids to Deep Eutectic Solvents
Huan Zhang, Jose Manuel Vicent-Luna, Shuxia Tao, Sofia Calero, Rafael J. Jimenez Rioboo, Maria Luisa Ferrer, Francisco del Monte, Maria Concepcion Gutierrez,
Acs Sustainable Chem. Eng. 10, 1231 (2022).
Ionic liquids (ILs) and deep eutectic solvents (DESs) have been lately the solvents of choice in a number of processes because they offer a valid alternative to conventional solvents. Despite main interactions in ILs differ from those in DESs (e.g., electrostatic-type in the former and H-bond-type in the latter), these two neoteric solvents are more closely related that appeared and can be seen as the two sides, the face and the cross, of the same coin. Herein, we hypothesized about a way for transitioning from one to the other. In particular, we promoted the transition from 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride (EMIMCI) to EMIMCI-nAcOH-based DESs by the simple addition of stoichiometric amounts of acetic acid (AcOH) to EMIMCI. H-1 NMR spectroscopy and DSC studies confirmed the occurrence of such a transition. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations revealed the capability of the Cl anion to fully accommodate up to 4 AcOH molecules (e.g., EMIMCl center dot 1AcOH, EMIMCl center dot 2AcOH, EMIMCl center dot 3AcOH, and EMIMCl center dot 4AcOH) without signs of H-bond self-interactions between AcOH molecules. These DESs also exhibited quite different solvent properties, with alpha and beta Kamlet-and-Taft parameters that differed from those of EMIMCl and 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate (EMIMOAc). Interestingly, excess molar volume and excess viscosity measurements as well as Brillouin spectroscopic experiments indicated that aqueous dilutions of EMIMCl center dot AcOH-based DESs deviated from ideality as a consequence of the formation of HBs between water molecules and the anion, as observed by H-1 NMR spectroscopy.
Stress-mediated solution deposition method to stabilize ferroelectric BiFe1-xCrxO3 perovskite thin films with narrow bandgaps
Ricardo Jimenez, Jesus Ricote, Inigo Bretos, Rafael J. Jimenez Rioboo, Federico Mompean, Ana. Ruiz, Haibing Xie, Monica Lira-Cantu, M. Lourdes Calzada,
J Eur Ceram Soc 41, 3404 (2021).
Ferroelectric oxides with low bandgaps are mainly based on the BiFeO3 perovskite upon the partial substitution of iron with different cations. However, the structural stability of many of these perovskites is only possible by their processing at high pressures (HP, >1GPa) and high temperatures (HT, >700?C). Preparation methods under these severe conditions are accessible to powders and bulk ceramics. However, transferring these conditions to the fabrication of thin films is a challenge, thus limiting their use in applications. Here, a chemical solution deposition method is devised, which overcomes many of these restrictions. It is based on the application of an external compressive-stress to the film sample during the thermal treatment required for the film crystallization, promoting the formation and stabilization of these HP perovskites. We demonstrate the concept on BiFe1-xCrxO3 (BFCO) thin films deposited on SrTiO3 (STO) substrates and with large chromium contents. The resulting BFCO perovskite films show narrow bandgaps (Eg-2.57 eV) and an excellent ferroelectric response (remnant polarization, PR- 40 ?C cm-2). The polarized thin films under illumination present a large out-put power of -6.4 ?W cm-2, demonstrating their potential for using in self-powered multifunctional devices. This stress-mediated solution deposition method can be extended to other perovskite films which are unviable under conventional deposition methods.
Tools for extending the dilution range of the "solvent-in-DES" regime
Huan Zhang, M. Luisa Ferrer, Rafael J. Jimenez-Rioboo, Francisco del Monte, Maria C. Gutierrez,
J Mol Liq 329, 115573 (2021).
Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) and dilutions thereof are currently gaining increased interest in sustainable processes. DES dilutions are particularly interesting in the so-called "solvent-in-DES" regime where the intriguing features of DESs remain (coming from hydrogen bonding among the components) and some typical drawbacks (e.g., high viscosity, low electrical conductivity, etc.) are mitigated. Actually, DES dilutions may exhibit excellent performances (more so than the original neat DESs) in certain applications. Knowing about the tools that allow predicting (and eventually extending) the dilution range of the "solvent-in-DES" regime is obviously of interest. With this aim, we herein studied two sets of DES dilutions. In the first set, we used the DES composed of choline chloride (ChCl) and urea (U) and its dilutions in H2O, methanol (MeOH) and ethanol (EtOH). In the second set, we studied two DESs composed of ethylene glycol (EG) and either tetraethylammonium bromide (TEABr) or tetrabutylammonium bromide (TBABr), and their dilutions in H2O. Data coming from DSC, H-1 NMR spectroscopy, and Brillouin spectroscopy revealed how the dilution range of the "solvent-in-DES" regime in ChClU dilutions in H2O, MeOH and EtOH increased in the order H2O < MeOH < EtOH while in aqueous dilutions of TEABrEG and TBABrEG increased in the order TEABrEG < TBABrEG. Our results suggest that the extension of the dilution range of the "water-in-DES" regime could be tuned by both the DES components solubility in the different solvents, and the strength and/or number of the hydrogen bonds established between DES components and solvent molecules. (C) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.