The Special Issue of the journal IEEE Trans. on Ultrasonic, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control on the Contributions of Women in Ferroelectrics Research and Development has been launched. It is co-edited by Profs. Michelle Dolgos, Jacob L. Jones, Barbara Malic, Brady Gibbons and Kazumi Kato.
The editorial provides a special mention to one of the founders of The European Institute of Piezoelectric Materials and Devices, Wanda W. Wolny, considering her contributions of substantial interest to industry. The Editorial also highlights the figures of other researchers, holders of prestigious grants and prizes, and that of the relevant ferroelectrician, Prof. Helen Megaw.
The Editorial and article about Prof. Helen Megaw for this Special Issue are Open Access.
The Special Issue also contains our contribution
FEA Study of Shear Mode Decoupling in Nonstandard Thin Plates of a Lead-Free Piezoelectric Ceramic.