
The researchers involved at ICMM:

Prof. Lorena Pardo Mata
She was born in Madrid, Spain. She has authored or coauthored numerous publications in the field of polycrystalline ferroelectric materials, processing, and multifunctionality.
      She was the Spanish Leader in several projects of the European Commission (EC). She was involved in managing and scientific tasks in EU Networks (COST514 and 528, POLECER, MIND_NoE, CSA_PI). She contributed to establish the European Institute of Piezoelectric Materials and Devices (Piezoinstitute, PI) in 2008. She is at present Vicepresident of The Piezoinstitute (2021-).
      She was a Co-founder of the “Electrocerámica” Section, Spanish Society of Ceramics and Glass (SECV), in 1998. She was awarded the “Épsilon de Oro” prize of the SECV in 2021 for her dedication to Electroceramics at national and international level.
She is Member of the Steering Comitee of the “European Meeting on Ferroelectricity (EMF)”, of the Scientific Advisory Board of the “European Conference on Applications of Polar Dielectrics (ECAPD) and was Member of the International Advisory Committee of “CIMTEC: International Ceramics Congress” until 2022.
      She has been a Lecturer in the Winter Schools of PIEZO2019, 2021 and 2023 Conferences, and in the past years also imparted seminars at The “Instituto de Investigaciones en Materiales” of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM, CDMX, Mexico), at The “Universidad de la República” (Montevideo, Uruguay), at The “ICRAM, Universidad de Burgos” (Burgos, Spain), at The Postgraduate School of the Center for Research on Advanced Materials (CIMAV) (Chihuahua, Mexico) and at The Sassari University (UNISS, Italy).

For other data see a more extended CV.
For updated record of publications see: Google Scholar Profile  
Scopus Author ID: 55493395100
,  ORCID Author Profile 0000-0003-1731-0657 and  Researcher ID E-1346-2011.

Miguel Angel Palomo Marcos “Universidad Autónoma de Madrid” (UAM). Temporary stay (July-October 2023). Undergraduate student (Prácticas Externas).

Ismael Leandro Martín Tougi “Universidad Autónoma de Madrid” (UAM). Temporary stay (March-May 2023). Undergraduate student (Prácticas Externas).

Marzia Mureddu (April-August, 2022, November 2022 to February 2023, June 2023), Ph.D. Thesis in progress at Sassari University, Sardinia (Italy). Stay financed by the Erasmus+ program.

There is extensive work developed with Drs. José F. Bartolomé and Sonia López Esteban within the Multidisciplinary studies of Ceramics Group at ICMM (MSCG).

There are also collaborations under projects MAT2017-86168-R and PROGRAMA DE APOYO A PROYECTOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN E INNOVACIÓN TECNOLÓGICA SOLICITUD 2022. UNAM, Mexico. PAPIIT-UNAM (IA102622), among others, with:

Dr. Armando Reyes-Montero, Associated Researcher at The Department of Ceramic and Metallic Materials at “Instituto de Investigación en Materiales. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (IIM-UNAM)“, CDMX, México, and Dr. María Elena Villafuerte Castrejón. She has been until her recent retirement Professor at IIM-UNAM and keeps linked to research activities and disemination of scientific work at all levels in MX.

Dr. Luis Edmundo Fuentes-Cobas. See his research interest and activities on materials teaching. He is Professor at “Centro de Investigaciones en Materiales Avanzados” (CIMAV), Chihuahua, México.

Dr. María Elena Montero-Cabrera. She is Professor at “Centro de Investigaciones en Materiales Avanzados” (CIMAV), Chihuahua, México.

Prof.  Amador Miguel González Crespo. He is Professor at The “Escuela Técnica Superior de
Ingeniería y Sistemas de Telecomunicación” at “Universidad Politécnica de Madrid” (UPM). Also, from UPM, Drs. Pilar Ochoa Pérez, Francisco Javier Jiménez Martinez and Manuel Vázquez Rodríguez.  See their research interest.

Other collaborations:

Dr. Sebastiano Garroni. He is Professor at Dipartimento di Chimica e Farmacia of The University of Sassari (UNISS). See here the activities of his group INMATE2LAB Research Group .

Former Members at ICMM

Visitors at ICMM

Dr. Luis Edmundo Fuentes Cobas, CIMAV (México).(Short stay in period 2010-2013 and temporary stays: 6 to 10, November, 2017, for preparation of Experiments on: “Detailed structural characterization of selected functional materials” at Beamline MCX at The Elettra Synchrotron Facility (Trieste, Italy); 4,5 December, 2018; 18 June to 5 July, 2019 and June 2022.
Dr. María Elena Montero-Cabrera, CIMAV (México). (Temporary stays: 6 to 10, November, 2017, for preparation of Experiments on: “Titanium local order at lead-free  Ba1-xCaxTi0.9Zr0.1O3” at Beamline XAFS at The Elettra Synchrotron Facility (Trieste, Italy); 4,5 December, 2018; 18 June to 5 July, 2019 and June 2022.). 
Dr. Nicolás Pérez Álvarez. Temporary stay (18 November to 3 December, 2016;  12 to 26, February, and 13 to 29, October, 2017) through CSIC funded I-COOPB20160 project (2016-2017) on “Modelado y caracterización de cerámicas piezoeléctricas”. “Univ. de la República” (Uruguay).
Dr. María Elena Villafuerte Castrejón, UNAM (México). Sabbatical leave (September 2015-August 2016).  Temporary stays from 15 to 26 February and from 20 June to 5 June, 2017; from 15 to 30 June, 2018; from 24 June to 10 July, 2019. 
Dr. Doris del Carmen Rivero (Short stays in period 2005-2013). “Instituto Superior de Tecnologías y Ciencias Aplicadas” (Cuba).

Ph. D. Students and Postdoctoral Researchers

Dr. María Torres Sancho (PhD Student, 2007-2010).
Dr. Teresa Hungría Hernández (PhD Student and Postdoctoral Researcher, 2001-2006). Now at Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III (France).
Dr. Pilar Ferrer Escorihuela (PhD Student, 2002-2006). Now at Diamond Light Source Ltd. (United Kingdom).
Dr. Iñigo Bretos Ullívarri (Postdoctoral Researcher (2005-2006)).Now Scientist at ICMM-CSIC (Spain).
Dr. Alberto Moure Arroyo (PhD Student and Postdoctoral Researcher, 1999-2003). Now Scientist at ICV-CSIC (Spain).
Dr. Rosalía Poyato Galán (PhD Student and Postdoctoral Researcher, 1999-2003). Now Staff Scientist at ICM Sevilla-CSIC (Spain).
Dr. Ana González García (PhD Student, 1998-2002). Now at The Boeing Company (Spain).
Dr. Miguel Algueró Giménez (Postdoctoral Researcher (1998, 2001-2004). Now Staff Scientist at ICMM-CSIC (Spain).
Dr. Jesús Ricote Santamaría (Postdoctoral Researcher (2002-2003). Now Staff Scientist at ICMM-CSIC (Spain).

Visitor Students at ICMM
– Ms. María Dore (Sept-2022, April 2023), Master degree from Sassari University, Sardinia (Italy). Post-grad stay financed by the Erasmus+ program.
– Mr. Constantino Cau (April-June, 2022), Master student at Sassari University, Sardinia (Italy). Stay financed by the Erasmus+ program.
– Ms. Clara Galante. “Universidad Autónoma de Madrid” (UAM). Temporary stay (August 2021 and April 2022). Undergraduate student (Prácticas Externas).
– Mr. Antonio Iacomini. University of Sassari, Sardinia(Italy). Master and Ph.D student (December 2017-March 2018, February to June, 2020 and October-November 2021). Stays financed by the Erasmus + program.). Student under a Erasmus+ grant.
– Mr. Matteo Poddighe. University of Sassari (Italy). Temporary stays (March -April, 2020). Master student under a Erasmus+ grant.
– Ms. Bouzidi Souhir. University of Monastir (Tunisia). Ph.D. student. Internship of “Le Ministere de L’enseignement Superieur et de la Recherche Scientifique” (October-December, 2019).
– Ms. Nina Sennes. University of Sassari (Italy). Temporary stay (July-September 2018). Ph.D. student under a Erasmus+ grant.
– Ms. Elena Pascual. “Universidad Autónoma de Madrid” (UAM). Temporary stay (July-September 2018). Undergraduate student (Prácticas Externas).
– Ms. Mariana del Castillo Larumbe, student under the supervision of Dr. Nicolás Pérez, Universidad de la república, Montevideo (Uruguay). Temporary stay from 12 to 26 February, 2017, sponsored through CSIC funded I-COOP proyect on “Modelado y caracterización de cerámicas piezoeléctricas”.
– Mr. Armando Reyes-Montero. CONACYT (México) temporary stays (June-October 2016). Ph.D. student from UNAM under the supervision of Prof. María Elena Villafuerte Castrejón.
– Mr. Rodrigo Vivar-Ocampo. CONACYT (México) temporary stays (June-October 2016). Ph.D. student from UNAM under the supervision of Prof. María Elena Villafuerte Castrejón.
Mr. Chaoran Zhu. Temporary stay (April-July 2016). Technical University of Madrid (UPM). Undergrad. student on external practices.
Ms. Verena A. Neufeld (30 July-21 Sept., 2012). Ref. ES-PH-1070 DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service.
Mr. Nico Baumbach (20 August – 9 Octubre, 2011). Ref. CSIC-PH-896. DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service.
Mr. Issa Kriaa (19 July- 16 August, 2009). Temporary stay from Sfax University, Tunisia.
Ms. Lavinia-Petronela Curecheriu (4 –16 Mayo 2009). Short Term Scientific Mission, COST 539 Action ELENA


Mr. Alvaro García Lucas (Contracted (POLECER,MIND) and FINNOVA 2004, co-financed by Autonomous Community of Madrid, 2004-2013). Now Computer Expert at ICMM-CSIC (Spain).
Mr. José Luis Millán Lumbreras (FINNOVA 2010 technical assistants, co-financed by Autonomous Community of Madrid).
Ms. Virginia Martín Badajoz (FINNOVA 2005, co-financed by Autonomous Community of Madrid).
Ms. Inmaculada Martinez Sanz (FINNOVA 2005, co-financed by Autonomous Community of Madrid).
Ms. Carolina Sánchez Macías (FINNOVA 2004, co-financed by Autonomous Community of Madrid).
Ms. Mercedes Antón de la Fuente (FINNOVA 2003, co-financed by Autonomous Community of Madrid).
Ms. Vanesa Hernandez Martín (FINNOVA 2001, co-financed by Autonomous Community of Madrid).
Mr. Iván Ramón Soriano Marín (FINNOVA 1999, co-financed by Autonomous Community of Madrid).

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