Extended CV

Relevant activities




Prof. Lorena Pardo (Madrid (ES), 1960. Female) She studied and got her B.Sc. (1977-1982) and Ph.D. (1987) degrees in Physics at the School of Physics of the “Universidad Complutense de Madrid”. She joined the Department of Ferroelectric Materials, Institute of Materials Physics of the Spanish “Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)” in 1982. She was visiting graduate student at the Materials Research Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA (1984-1985). She is Permanent Staff of CSIC: Tenure Scientist, from February 1989. Senior Researcher from May 2005. Research Professor from July 2008. Laboratories of Ferroelectric Materials – ICMM. (See the latest activities: here )

Relevant activities

    • More than 235 manuscripts authored by July 2024, of which more than 185 were in international journals subjected to peer review and some 50 other publications in book chapters (6), IEEE catalogue volumes, NATO ARW, UK IOM and other Proceedings. These works concern topics on ferro-piezoelectric ceramics, composites, thick and thin films. More than 195 of the published manuscripts are included in the Web of Science and Scopus databases. The manuscripts that are not included are listed at the end of this page.
    • Advisor of five Ph.D. Thesis in Spanish Universities and two other at the University of Sassary, Italy.
    • Awarded with the “Épsilon de Oro” prize of the SECV in 2021 for her dedication to Electroceramics at national and international level.
    • Director of the “Departamento de Materiales Ferroeléctricos-ICMM” (1994-1997; 2005).
    • Co-founder and VicePresident of the Electroceramics Section of the Spanish Society of Ceramics and Glass (1998-2002).
    • Organizer of six National Meetings on Electroceramics (1991-2001) – President of the Organizing Committee in 1996 and 1999.
    • President of the Organizing Committee of COST514 and COST539 Workshops (Madrid, 1996 and 2009), President of the Proceedings Sub-Committee of the IMF-10 (2001) and Invited Editor of the Proceedings of IMF-10 (Sept. -2001) in “Ferroelectrics”, volumes 267-273. 
    • Member (1993-99) – Spanish Representative – and Chairperson (1996-99) of The Management Committee of the EC COST514 Action on Ferroelectric Ceramic Thin Films
    • Member (2000-2005) – Spanish Representative – of The Management Committee of the EC COST528 Action on Chemical Solution Deposition of Thin Films.
    • Member (2005-2009) – Spanish Representative – of The Management Committee of the EC COST539 Action on Electroceramics from Nanopowders Produced by Non-conventional Methods (ELENA). Co-responsible of Workpackage 3: Functional Characterisation of Electroceramics and Films.
    • Member of the Steering Committee and Responsible of Workpackage 3: Projects Coordination, and Member of the Steering Committee of the “POLar ElectroCERamics (POLECER)” Thematic Network (contract G5RT-CT2001-05024). (2001-2007)
    • Member of the Executive Board and Group Leader of the Spanish Partner in the Multifunctional and Integrated Piezoelectric Devices (MIND) Network of Excellence (2005-2010). By December 2013, she was CSIC contact person with the “Piezoinstitute Board of Directors”. She was involved in the related series of Conferences on Piezoelectrics for End Users since its origin (Interlaken , Switzerland, 2002) and was Chair of the PIEZO2017 Conference in Cercedilla (Madrid). She become Chair of the PI Advisory Board (2019-2021) and at present she is Vicepresident of The Piezoinstitute (2021-).
    • She carries on editorial tasks in journals (Processing and Applications of Ceramics (PAC) and Materials MDPI) and, also, did it for Proceedings in other journals, as Advances in Applied Ceramics and Ferroelectrics.
    • Guest Editor of three Special Issues in the Open Access journal Materials MDPI, e.g.  Piezoelectric Materials (11 manuscripts with more than 135k accesses and 1k citations by July 2024) and the book on “Multifunctional Polycrystalline Ferroelectric Materials: Processing and Properties” (more than 44k accesses and 80 citations by July 2024).

Participant of more than 57 research projects by July 2024, being project leader of: 5 CE funded research projects with industrial participation, 1 industrial research contract, 1 project under COST514 action on “Ferroelectric Ceramic Thin Films”, two bi-lateral cooperation activities (DK, FR), 5 special actions and 1 project (MAT2017-86168-R) by January 2024 of the National Funding Agency, 1 project and 1 special action of the Madrid Regional Funding Agency (CAM) , an EU CSA project, one PIE201060E069 and one COOPB20160 CSIC projects. Noticeably, at European level, project leader of:

      • “Ferroelectric Ceramic Thin Films for SAW Devices” (COST514)
      • “Multilayer structures and thin films for actuator and microactuator applications” (ERBCIPA-CT94-0236)
      • “Microfabrication with Ultra-Violet ASsisted Sol-Gel Technology (MUVAST)” (BRPR-CT98-0777)
      • “Study of the coercive field dependence on the microstructure of PZ26 ceramics”(Contract with Ferroperm A/S (DK))
      • “Estudio cuantitativo de la textura de cerámicas y láminas delgadas ferroeléctricas” CSIC-Université du Maine Le Mans
      • “Lead-Free piezoelectric ceramics based on alkaline niobate family (LEAF)” (G5RD-CT-2001-00431) 
      • High sensitivity novel Piezoceramics for aDvanced applications – textured, thick films and multilayer structures (PIRAMID)” (G5RD-CT-2001-00456). 

On ferro-piezoceramics the main topics of research were: (1) processing of polycrystalline ferroelectric materials obtained by solid-state synthesis and non-conventional processing routes1 (inorganic sol-gel, hydrothermal synthesis, mechanoactivation, Pechini route looking for sustainability; (2) the application of the quantitative microscopy to the study of their microstructure-functional properties relationships determination2,3; (3) the development of an iterative automatic method for electromechanical characterization from resonance3 of piezoceramics and application to wide range of piezoceramics characterization and processing studies (commercial lead titanate-zirconate (PZT) ceramics4, modified lead titanate compositions ((Ca,Sm, La)-mPT1, alkaline niobates5, Bismuth Layered Structure Ferroelectrics (BLSF)6 and (Bi0.5Na0.5)xBa1- xTiO37,8) and (1-x)Ba(ZryTi1-y)O3–x(Ba1-zCaz)TiO31); (4) study of the thermal evolution3,5 of their electromechanical properties at their phase transitions9,10.
The main activity on integrated ferroelectrics was the optimization of the multifunctionallity of lead titanate based thin films. Specific examples with focus on the pyro and piezoelectric functionalities are the study of these at nanoscale11, the the preparation of new materials, as the multicompositional heterostructures12 and the study of lead titanate nanostructures13.

1. “Lead-free Ba0.9Ca0.1Ti0.9Zr0.1O3 piezoelectric ceramics processed below 1300ºC”. A. Reyes, L. Pardo, R. López, A.M. Gonzalez, M.P. Cruz and M. E. Villafuerte-Castrejón. J. Alloys and Compounds 584, 28-33 (2014)
2. “Microstructure-properties relationships in Sm-modified lead titanate piezoceramics. Part I: Quantitative study of the microstructure”. J.Ricote and L. Pardo.Acta Metallurgica et Materialia 44((3), 1155-1167 (1996).
3. “Enhanced properties for ultrasonic transduction, phase transitions and thermal depoling in 0.96(Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3-0.04BaTiO3 submicron structured ceramic”.L. Pardo, A. García, K. Brebøl, E. Mercadelli and C. Galassi. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys 44 ,335404 (2011).

4. “Properties of Ferro-Piezoelectric Ceramic Materials in the Linear Range: Determination from Impedance Measurements at Resonance”. L. Pardo and K. Brebøl. Chapter 13 in “Multifunctional Polycrystalline Ferroelectric Materials: Processing and Properties” Eds. L. Pardo and J. Ricote. Springer Series in Materials Science, Vol. 140. Springer, Londres (UK) (2011).
5. ” Temperature behaviour of structural, dielectric and piezoelectric properties of sol-gel processed ceramics of the system LiNbO3-NaNbO3“.L. Pardo, P.Duran-Martín, J.P. Mercurio, L. Nibou and B. Jimenez. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 58(9), 1335-1339(1997).
6. “(Bi3TiNbO9)x(SrBi2Nb2O9)1-x Aurivillius type structure piezoelectric ceramics obtained from mechanochemically activated oxides”. L. Pardo, A. Castro, P. Millán, C. Alemany, R. Jimenez and B. Jiménez. Acta Materialia 48(9), 2421-2428 (2000).
7. “Piezoelectric characterization of Lead-Free Ferroelectric Ceramics”. L. Pardo, A. García, K. Brebøl, L. P. Curecheriu, L. Mitoseriu, E. Mercadelli and C. Galassi. Processing and Applications of Ceramics (2010)4(3), 199–207 (2010).

8. “Dielectric Constant Tunability at Microwave Frequencies and Pyroelectric Behavior of Lead-Free Submicron-Structured (Bi0.5Na0.5)1-xBaxTiO3 Ferroelectric Ceramics” F. L. Martínez, J. Hinojosa, G. Domenech, F. Luque, J. Zapata, R. Ruiz and L. Pardo. Trans. IEEE UFFC 60(8), 1595 (2013)
9. “Field-Induced Phase Transition and Relaxor Character in Submicron Structured Lead-Free (Bi0.5Na0.5)0.94Ba0.06TiO3 Piezoceramics at the Morphotropic Phase Boundary.” L. Pardo, E. Mercadelli, A. García, K. Brebøl and C. Galassi. IEEE Trans. UFFC58(9), 1893-1904 (2011).

10. “Anisotropy and dynamic thermal depolarization of 0.96(Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3 – 0.04 BaTiO3 lead- free piezoceramics”.L. Pardo, A. García, K. Brebøl, E. Mercadeli and C. Galassi. Book Series: IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics. Published: 2012. Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ISAF.2012.6297762

11. “Stress-induced suppression of piezoelectric properties in PbTiO3:La films via Scanning Force Microscopy”.A. L. Kholkin,V. V. Shvartsman, A. Yu. Emelyanov, R. Poyato, M.L. Calzada and L. Pardo.Applied Physics Letters 82(13), 2127-2129 (2003).
12. “Reduced Dielectric Dispersion on ferroelectric (Pb,La)TiO3 /(Pb,Ca)TiO3 Thin Film Multilayer Heterostructures owed to a mechanical stress relaxation mechanism”.R.Poyato, M.L. Calzada and L. Pardo.Applied Physics Letters 84(21), 4161-4163 (2004).
13. “Influence of the substrate surface on the self-assembly of ferroelectric PbTiO3 nanostructures obtained by microemulsion assisted Chemical Solution Deposition”. M. Torres, M. Alonso, M.L. Calzada and L. Pardo. Ferroelectrics 390(1), 122-129 (2009).



List of reviewed publications in periodic journals not included in WoS:

(10) L. Pardo, A. García, K. Brebøl, L. P. Curecheriu, L. Mitoseriu, E. Mercadelli and C. Galassi. “Piezoelectric characterization of Lead-Free Ferroelectric Ceramics”. Processing and Application of Ceramics 4(3) 199–207 (2010). https://doi.org/10.2298/PAC1003199P
(9) M. Torres, M.L. Calzada, B. Rodriguez, M. Alexe and L. Pardo. “SPM studies of ferroelectric nanostructures prepared by a microemulsion-assisted method onto substrates”. Processing and Application of Ceramics 3(3) 119-124 (2009). https://doi.org/10.2298/PAC0903119T
(8) J. Ricote, P. Herrero, A. Garcia y L. Pardo. “Evolución de la microestructura de cerámicas de titanato de plomo modificado con calcio por efecto del prensado isostático en caliente”. Bol. Soc. Esp. Cerám. Vid. 34 (4-5), 285-291(1995). https://boletines.secv.es/upload/199534285.pdf
(7) L. Pardo, P. Duran-Martin, C.E. Millar, W.W. Wolny y B. Jiménez. “Relación entre composición y propiedades ferro-piezoeléctricas en cerámicas de niobato de litio-sodio (LNN)”. Bol. Soc. Esp. Cerám. Vid. 34(5-6), 304-307 (1995). https://boletines.secv.es/upload/199534304.pdf
(6) W. Windsch, H. Braeter, L. Pardo, B. Jimenez, J. Mendiola And J. Gonzalo. “Concentration and temperature dependence of the lattice parameters of Ca-modified lead titanate ceramics”. Ferroelectrics 173, 283-296 (1995).
DOI: 10.1080/00150199508236043
(5) B. Jiménez, L. Pardo and C. Alemany. “Study of the piezoelectric properties of 1-3 composites as a function of the mechanical characteristics of the phases”. Ferroelectrics 141, 215-226 (1993). DOI:10.1080/00150199308223449
(4) L. Pardo, J. Ricote, B. Jiménez y F. Carmona. “Caracterización mecánica de cerámicas de PbTiO3 modificadas con Ca y vidrios de B para la preparación de composites piezoeléctricos”. Bol. Soc. Esp. Cerám. Vid. 30 (5), 352-357 (1991).
(3) L. Pardo, F. Carmona, C. Alemany, B. Jiménez y J. Mendiola. “Propiedades piezoeléctricas de cerámicas y composites de titanato de plomo modificado en función de la temperatura”. Bol. Soc. Esp. Cerám. Vid. 30 (5), 363-366 (1991). https://boletines.secv.es/upload/199130363.pdf
(2) B. Jiménez, L. Pardo y F. Carmona. “Materiales compuestos (“composites”) piezoeléctricos”. Bol. Soc. Esp. Cerám. Vid., 30 (5), 348-351 (1991)
(1) B. Jiménez, L. Del Olmo, J. Mendiola, L. Calzada, L. Pardo and C. Alemany. “Preparation and properties of ferroelectric ceramics obtained from colloidal phases”. Materials Science Forum vols. 62-64, 295-300 (1990).

List of other publications not included in WoS:

(27) L. Pardo, A. García, K. Brebøl, E. Mercadeli and C. Galassi. “Characterization of Nanostructured Phases and Peculiar Phase Transitions in BNBT Lead-Free Piezoceramics”. Advances in Science and Technology, Vol. 90 (2014) pp 12-18. DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AST.90.12
(26) L. PARDO, A. GARCÍA, K. BREBØL, E. MERCADELI and C. GALASSI. “Tailoring composition in the
(1- x)(Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3 -xBaTiO3 lead-free system for ultrasonic transduction: characterization of submicron
structured ceramics from nanopowders”. “Oral Contribution” in “Proceedings: technical notes of PIEZO2011:
Electroceramics for End Users VI”, 28 February-2 March, 2011. Sestriere, Italy. pp.50-54.
(25) L. PARDO y C. ARAGÓ. “Materiales Ferroeléctricos: fundamentos, estado actual y tendencias” Revista
Española de Física. vol.24, no.1. pp. 57-62 (2010) (POR INVITACIÓN)
(24) L. PARDO, M. ALGUERO and K. BREBØL. “Iterative method in the characterization of piezoceramics of industrial interest”. Advances in Science and Technology vol. 45. pp. 2448-2458 (2006). ISSN: 1662-8969
(23) L. PARDO, C. ALEMANY, J. RICOTE, A. MOURE, R. POYATO, and M. ALGUERO. “Iterative methods for characterization of piezoelectric materials with losses”. “Invited review” “Proceedings of the “Internacional Conference on Materials Technology and Design of Integrated Piezoelectric Devices, A Polecer Symposium”, 2-4 February, 2004. Congress Centre – Courmayeur, Italy. pp.145-158.
(22) M.L. CALZADA, L. PARDO, H. GUILLÓN, I. BRETOS, A. GONZALEZ, R. POYATO and R. JIMÉNEZ. “Low Temperature CSD Processing of Ferroelectric Thin Films”. “Invited review” en “Processing of Electroceramics, Polecer Symposium Conference Notes”. August 31- September 3, 2003. Bled, Slovenia . M. Kosec, D. Kuščer and B. Malič Eds. pp. 167-180.
(21) A. MOURE, C. ALEMANY, D. KUSCER-HROVATIN, L. PARDO and M. KOSEC. “Microstructural and Piezoelectric Properties of (SrBi2Nb2O9)0.65(Bi3TiNbO9)0.35 Aurivillius-type Structure Ceramics From Mechanochemically Activated Precursors”. The 38th International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials and The Workshop on Packaging and Interconnections in Electronics, MIDEM Conference 2002 Proceedings. Lipica, Slovenia. October 9-11, 2002. pp 95-100. ISBN 961-91023-0-4.
(20) L. PARDO, A. MOURE, J. RICOTE, P. MILLÁN and A. CASTRO. “Piezoceramics from Mechanochemically Activated Precursors”. Ferroelectrics 2000 UK Neil McN Alford and Eric Yeatman Eds. IOM Communications Ltd. pp. 97-104 (2000). ISBN 1-86125-135-1
(19) J.MENDIOLA, L. PARDO, R.JIMÉNEZ, J. RICOTE, P. RAMOS, R. SIRERA, M. ALGUERÓ and M.L. CALZADA. “Processing and study of lead titanate based ferroelectric thin films for piezoelectric applications”
COST514 on Ferroelectric Ceramic Films Final Report 1999. pp.65-72 (1999). ISBN 3-8265-4960-0.
(18) J. RICOTE, D. CHATEIGNER, G. RIPAULT, L. PARDO, M. ALGUERÓ, J. MENDIOLA and M.L. CALZADA. “Quantitative texture of ferroelectric modified lead titanate thin films”. Procc. of the 12th International Conference on Texture of Materials (ICOTOM-12). Montreal (Canada) 9-13 August, 1999 pp. 1327-1332.
(17) J. MENDIOLA, M.L. CALZADA, R. JIMENEZ, M. ALGUERÓ y L. PARDO. “Láminas delgadas de titanato de plomo modificado para sensores y actuadores piezoeléctricos”. Conferencia hispano-francesa sobre aplicaciones piezoeléctricas. Libro de actas. Eds. UPC. Barcelona, 29-30 Octubre-98. pp.45-48. ISBN 84-7653-710-7.
(16) L. PARDO, M. ALGUERÓ and M.L. CALZADA. “Microstructure and properties of La-modified lead titanate sol-gel processed thin films”. Procc. COST 514 CE Action Workshop on Ferroelectric Ceramic Thin Films.
Parma (Italy). 14-15 April, Eds. F. Leccabue, B.E. Watts and G. Bocelli. pp.82-85 (1997).
“Composition-structure-properties relationships in ferroelectric thin films”. Proceed. COST 514 CE Action Workshop on Ferroelectric Ceramic Thin Films. Parma (Italy). 14-15 April. Eds. F. Leccabue, B.E. Watts and G. Bocelli. pp. 95-102 (1997).
(14) W.W. WOLNY, A.S. JAMES, C. ALEMANY and L. PARDO. “Structural stability of lead titanate based piezoceramics in chemically aggresive enviroments”. Proceedings Electroceramics V. Aveiro, Portugal. 2-4 Septiembre 1996. pp.153-156. ISBN 972-8283-17-2.
(13) A.M. GONZALEZ, J. DE FRUTOS, C. ALEMANY and L. PARDO. “Evolution of dielectric constant of a piezoelectric ceramics during poling”. Proceedings Electroceramics V. Aveiro, Portugal. 2-4 Septiembre 1996. pp. 141-143. ISBN 972-8283-17-2.
(12) M. ALGUERÓ, M.L. CALZADA and L.PARDO. “The effect of the precursor solution stoichiometry on the texture and microstructure of sol-gel processed PTL thin films”. Proc. Electroceramics V. Aveiro, Portugal. 2-4 Septiembre 1996. pp. 401-404. ISBN 972-8283-17-2.
(11) L. PARDO, J. RICOTE and M.L. CALZADA. “Microstructure of lead titanate thin films”.
NATO ASI Series. Series E: Applied Sciences.”Science and Technology of Electroceramic Thin Films”.
Eds. O. Auciello and R. Waser. Vol. 284, pp.167-175 (1995). ISBN 0-7923-3332-2
(10) C.E. MILLAR, W. WOLNY, J. RICOTE, C. ALEMANY and L. PARDO. “The effect of Hot Isostatic Pressing on the microstructure of hydrothermally processed PbTiO3 ceramics”. British Cer. Proc. 52, 185-193 (1994).
(9) C.E. MILLAR, L. PEDERSEN, L. PARDO, J. RICOTE, C. ALEMANY,B.JIMENEZ, G. FEUILLARD and F. JANIN. “SAW properties of La,Sm modified Lead Titanate Ceramics”. Electroceramics IV Conference Proceedings. Aachen (Germany) 5-7 September, 1994. pp. 1083-1088. ISBN 3-86073-287-0
(8) L. PARDO, M.L. CALZADA, S.J. MILNE, J. RICOTE and B. JIMENEZ. “Microstructures of sol-gel prepared ferroelectric thin films”. Procc. of the European Ceramic Society 3rd Conference. Madrid, September 1993. vol. 2. pp. 729-734. ISBN-84-87683-04-05(COL)
(7) C.E. MILLAR, W. WOLNY, L. PARDO, J. RICOTE, R. SIRERA, G. FEUILLARD and M. LETHIECQ. “Processing of piezoceramics for SAW applications”. Procc. of the European Ceramic Society 3rd Conference. Madrid, September 1993. vol. 2. pp. 187-192. ISBN-84-87683-04-05(COL)
(6) G.F. FU, A.M. GONZALEZ and L. PARDO. “Evolution of domain size and crystal strain in calcium modified lead titanate ceramics during poling”. Proceed. of the European Ceramic Society 3rd Conference. Madrid, September 1993. vol. 2. pp. 169-174. ISBN-84-87683-04-05(COL)
(5) G.F. FU, L. PARDO and J. MENDIOLA. “Effect of composition and microstructure on the broadening of XRD profiles in modified lead titanate ceramics”. Procc. of the European Ceramic Society 3rd Conference. Madrid, September 1993. vol. 2. pp. 157-162. ISBN-84-87683-04-05(COL)
(4) RICOTE, C. ALEMANY and L. PARDO. “Influence of microstructure on piezoelectric behaviour of calcium modified lead titanate ceramics”. Procc. of the European Ceramic Society 3rd Conf. Madrid, September 1993. vol.2. pp. 163-168.ISBN-84-87683-04-05(COL)
(3) J. MENDIOLA and L. PARDO. “Piezoelectric Improvements of Ca Modified Lead Titanate Ceramics by Electric Poling Reversals”. “Ultrasonics International’89 Conference” Proceedings, pp. 490-495. Madrid. 3 7 Julio, 1989. ISBN 408054182
(2) L. PARDO, J. MENDIOLA and B. JIMENEZ. “Domain distribution in high electromechanical anisotropy Pb1-xCaxTiO3 ceramics”. “Ultrasonics International’89 Conference” Proceedings, pp. 671-676. Madrid. 3 7 Julio, 1989. ISBN 408054182
(1) L. PARDO and J. MENDIOLA. “Properties of Modified Lead Titanate Epoxy Composites”.
II F.A.S.E. (Federation of Acoustic Societies of Europe) Specialized Conference: Acoustics and Ocean Bottom. pp.251 256. Madrid, 1987. ISBN 84-00-06553-0.

List of book chapters not included in WoS:

(4) ARMANDO REYES-MONTERO, ROSALBA CASTAÑEDA-GUZMÁN, MARÍA ELENA VILLAFUERTE-CASTREJÓN, JOSÉ ÁLVARO CHÁVEZ-CARVAYAR AND LORENA PARDO. “Perovskite-like structure ceramic materials and their design for electrical applications”. Chapter 10 in “Perovskite Ceramics. Recent Advances and Emerging applications”. Elsevier Series in Advanced Ceramic Materials. José Luis Clabel Huamán and Victor Anthony García Ribera Eds. Elsevier, Netherlands 2023.ISBN: 978-0-323-90586-2. https://shop.elsevier.com/books/perovskite-ceramics/huaman/978-0-323-90586-2#full-description

(3)  L. PARDO, M.E. VILLAFUERTE-CASTREJÓN, E. MORÁN, A. REYES-MONTERO, R. VIVAR-OCAMPO AND M. GONZALEZ. “Ecological, Lead-Free, Ferroelectrics”. Chapter 9 in “Magnetic, Ferroelectric, and Multiferroic Metal Oxides”. Ed. B.D. Stojanovic. Elsevier S&T Books. Metal Oxides Series (2018). ISBN: 9780128111802 https://www.elsevier.com/books/magnetic-ferroelectric-and-multiferroic-metal-oxides/stojanovic/978-0-12-811180-2

(2)  L. PARDO, J. RICOTE, M. ALGUERÓ and M.L. CALZADA. “Ferroelectric Materials Based on Lead Titanate”. Chapter 10 in “Handbook of Low and High Dielectric Constant Materials and Their Applications”. Volume 1:  “Materials and Processing” pp. 457-499. Ed. by H.S. Nalwa. Academic Press, San Diego (USA), 1999.  ISBN 0-12513907-1.

(1)  L. PARDO. Capítulos 11.3 y 11.4 en “Introducción a la Ciencia de Materiales”. pp. 431-455. J.M. Albella, A. M. Cintas, T. Miranda and J.M. Serratosa Coordinators. Textos universitarios C.S.I.C. Madrid 1993. ISBN 84-00-07343-6. 

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