“(Pb,La)TiO3/(Pb,Ca)TiO3 Ferroelectric Heterostructures for Non-volatile Memories” |
R.Poyato, M.L. Calzada and L. Pardo |
Applied Physics Letters 86, 042905 (2005). |
“The relaxor to ferroelectric phase transition for (1-x)Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3– x PbTiO3 , with x=0.2 and 0.3, polycrystalline aggregates”. |
M. Algueró, B. Jiménez and L. Pardo |
Applied Physics Letters 87, 082910 (2005) |
“(Pb,Ca)TiO3/(Pb,La)TiO3 /(Pb,Ca)TiO3 heterostructure characterized as ferroelectric multifunctional material”. |
R.Poyato, M.L. Calzada and L. Pardo |
Journal of Applied Physics 97, 034108 (2005). |
“Microstructure and texture dependence of the dielectric anomalies and d.c. conductivity of Bi3TiNbO9 ferroelectric ceramics” |
A. Moure and L. Pardo |
Journal of Applied Physics 97 , 084103 (2005). |
“Enhancement of 90º domain wall mobility in (PbLa)TiO3 thin films prepared by multiple deposition and crystallization” |
R. Poyato, M. Algueró, M.L. Calzada and L. Pardo |
Journal of Applied Physics 98, 024117 (2005) . |
“Electric anomalies and their relation with the thermal evolution of the radial resonance in Aurivillius-type structure piezoceramics” |
A. Moure, C. Alemany and L. Pardo |
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 152 (1), F1-F6 (2005) |
“Tailoring of the functional properties of sol-gel thin-films on Pt/TiO2/SiO2/Si substrates: (Pb,La),TiO3 /(Pb,Ca),TiO3 multilayer heteroestructures”. |
R.Poyato, M.L. Calzada and L. Pardo |
Appl. Phys. A: Materials Science and Processing 80, 369-376 (2005) |
“Direct characterization of nanoscale domain switching and local piezoelectric loops of (Pb,La)TiO3 thin films by piezoresponse force microscopy” |
R.Poyato, M.L. Calzada, V. V. Shvartsman, A. L. Kholkin, P. Vilarinho and L. Pardo. |
Appl. Phys. A: Materials Science and Processing 81 (6),1207-1212 (2005). |
“Temperature dependence of piezoelectric, electromechanical and elastic parameters of Aurivillius-type structure piezoceramics with optimized texture and microstructure”. |
A. Moure, C. Alemany and L. Pardo |
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 52 (4), 570-577 (2005). |
“Piezoelectric Resonances, Linear Coefficients and Losses of Morphotropic Phase Boundary Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 Ceramics”. |
M. Algueró, C. Alemany, L. Pardo and M.P. Thi. |
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 88 (10), 2780-2787 (2005). |
“Effect of the mechanochemical activation on the synthesis of NaNb03 and processing of enviromentally friendly piezoceramics”. |
T. Hungría, A. Castro, A. Moure, and L. Pardo. |
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 395 (1-2), 166-173 (2005) |
“Ferroelectricity in Aurivillius-type stucture ceramics with n=2 and (SrBi2Nb2O9)0.35 (Bi3TiNbO9)0.65 composition”. |
A. Moure and L. Pardo. |
Journal of Electroceramics 15,(3) pp. 243-250(8)(2005) |
“Resonance modes in standard piezoceramic shear geometry: A discussion based on Finite Element Analysis” |
L. Pardo, M. Algueró and K. Brebøl |
Journal de Physique IV France 128 , 207-211 (2005) |