Dynamical second-order noise sweetspots in resonantly driven spin qubits
J. Picó-Cortés and G. Platero
Quantum 5, 607

Tunable zero modes and quantum interferences in flat-band topological insulators
J. Zurita, C. Creffield and G. Platero
Quantum 5, 591

Hyperbolic enhancement of photocurrent patterns in minimally twisted bilayer graphene
S. S. Sunku, D. Halbertal, T. Stauber, S. Chen, A. S. McLeod, A. Rikhter, M. E. Berkowitz, C. F. B. Lo, D. E. Gonzalez-Acevedo, J. C. Hone, C. R. Dean, M. M. Fogler & D. N. Basov
Nature Communications 12, 1641

Radiation-induced magnetoresistance oscillations with massive Dirac fermions
J. Iñarrea and G. Platero
New J. Phys. 23, 063004

Rashba coupling and spin switching through surface states of Dirac semimetals
Y. Baba, F. Domínguez-Adame, G. Platero and R.A. Molina
New J. Phys. 23, 023008






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