Floquet engineering of Dirac cones on the surface of a topological insulator
A Díaz-Fernández, E Díaz, A Gómez-León, G Platero, F Domínguez-Adame
Physical Review B 100 (7), 075412 (2019)

Unconventional quantum optics in topological waveguide QED
M Bello, G Platero, JI Cirac, A González-Tudela
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Direct transfer of two-electron quantum states in ac-driven triple quantum dots
Jordi Picó-Cortés, Fernando Gallego-Marcos, Gloria Platero
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Spin entangled state transfer in quantum dot arrays: Coherent adiabatic and speed-up protocols
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Simulation of chiral topological phases in driven quantum dot arrays
B Pérez-González, M Bello, G Platero, Á Gómez-León 
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Discontinuities in driven spin-boson systems due to coherent destruction of tunneling: breakdown of the Floquet-Gibbs distribution
Georg Engelhardt, Gloria Platero, Jianshu Cao
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Floquet engineering of Dirac cones on the surface of a topological insulator
A Diaz-Fernandez, E Diaz, Álvaro Gómez-León, Gloria Platero, F Domínguez-Adame
Phys. Rev. B, 100, 075412

Interplay between long-range hopping and disorder in topological systems
B Pérez-González, M Bello, Á Gómez-León, G Platero
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