Etiqueta: otheractivities
Group Seminar: «Hole spin qubits manipulation with shortcuts to adiabaticity protocols», David Fernández

David Fernández, a MSC student in our group, will give a seminar entitled «Hole spin qubits manipulation with shortcuts to adiabaticity protocols», as part of the group seminars. Date: June 8th, 2021, 10:30 h. Location: online Abstract: Hole spins in semiconductor QDs are also attracting significant attention as candidates for…
Thesis Defense: «Quantum dynamics in low-dimensional topological systems»

On January 30th, we attended the Thesis Defense of one of our PhD students, Miguel Bello, entitled «Quantum dynamics in low-dimensional topological systems». Abstract: The discovery of topological matter has revolutionized the field of condensed matter physics giving rise to many interesting phenomena, and fostering the development of new quantum…
Seminar: «Probing the Quantum Mechanics of Many-Body Chaos», Klaus Ritcher

Klaus Ritcher, from Regensburg University, will give a seminar entitled«Probing the Quantum Mechanics of Many-Body Chaos», as part of the seminar series of the Theory and Simulation of Materiales, organized by Álvaro Gómez-León and Sigmund Kohler. Date: January 31st, 2020, 12:00 h. Location: Events room. Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales…
5th School & Conference: «Spin-based Quantum Information Processing»

The 5th School and Conference on Spin-Based Quantum Information Processing (Spin Qubit 5) brings together world-leading researchers from the fields of solid state physics and spin-based quantum information processing to participate in a 1-day school and a 5-day conference in Donostia / San Sebastian, Basque Country (Spain). The topics…