
Our group form part of a Interdiciplinary Consortium (PHAMA) constituted by six teams from the Madrid Community  with a long successful record in research on fundamental physics or chemistry, as well as on materials science and technology (fabrication, processing etc.). The final goal of this project is the construction of new hybrid systems and nanostructures aiming at controlling the generation and transport of light in both linear and nonlinear regimes

In addition we collaborate with renowned research groups, in order to exploit to the full extent the different physical properties of the molecular materials obtained. This way, each group contributes with its expertise and assures the success of the different, highly interdisciplinary projects.

Prof. G. Hennrich Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

Prof. A. Golemme, Universitá de la Calabria, Italy

Prof. K. Clays University of Leuven, Belgium

Prof. J. L. Serrano ICMA, Universidad de Zaragoza – CSIC

Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, CSIC