Monthly Archives: April 2023

Rafael Sanchez (11/05/2023)


Dr. Rafael Sanchez ,

Department of Theory of Condensed Matter Physics, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain

Single-electron (or photon) heat currents and how to control them

When: 12:30-13:30 CET, May 11th (Thursday), 2023

Where: Seminar Room, ICMM-CSIC, Campus de Cantoblanco, Madrid

The flow and dissipation of heat is unavoidable in the operation of any circuit. Exploiting the properties of nanoscale conductors, one should be able to define devices able to control it on-chip, such as thermal rectifiers, transistors or circulators. These typically rely on strong nonlinearities and far from equilibrium configurations. In this talk I will discuss how these effects appear in minimal systems with a few number of levels (such as quantum dots [1,2] or qubits [3]) are coupled to two or more reservoirs, close to the linear response regime.

[1] R. Sánchez, H. Thierschmann and L. W. Molenkamp, Phys. Rev. B 95, 241401 (2017).
[2] A. Marcos-Vicioso et al., Phys. Rev. B 98, 035414 (2018).
[3] D. Goury and R. Sánchez, Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 092601 (2019).
[4] I. Díaz and R. Sánchez, New J. Phys. 23, 125006 (2021).

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Yigal Meir (17/04/2023)

Prof. Yigal Meir,

Department of Physics, Ben Gurion University, Israel

Measuring Entropy of Exotic Particles

When: 12:00-13:00 CET, April 17th (Monday), 2023

Where: Seminar Room, ICMM-CSIC, Campus de Cantoblanco, Madrid

In recent years many candidate setups have been proposed to support exotic quasi-particles, such as Majorana fermions (MFs), which may be relevant for quantum computing, but whether these particles have been observed experimentally is currently a topic of a vivid debate. Entropy measurements can unambiguously separate these quasi-particles from other, simpler excitations. The entropy of a MFs is, for example, log2/2 (in units of the Boltzman constant), a fractional value that cannot be attributed to a localized excitation. However, standard entropy measurements applicable to bulk systems cannot be utilized in measuring the additional entropy of a mesoscopic device, which may be due to less than a single electron in the device. In this talk I will describe recent theoretical and experimental progress in performing such measurements, either using thermopower and/or using the Maxwell relations [1,2]. Particular examples will be single and double quantum dots in the Coulomb blockade regime. Lastly I will show how the formalism has been generalized to deduce the entropy from conductance measurements, and, applying it to a setup where two and three-channel Kondo physics have been observed, yields the fractional entropy of a single MF and a single Fibonacci anyon [3]. Lastly I will discuss the backaction of the measurement and discuss the possibility of measuring entanglement entropy [4].

[1]   Direct entropy measurement in a mesoscopic quantum system, N. Hartman, et al., Nature Physics 14, 1083 (2018).
[2]   How to measure the entropy of a mesoscopic system via thermoelectric transport, Y. Kleeorin et al., Nature Comm. 10 , 5801 (2019)
[3]   Fractional Entropy of Multichannel Kondo Systems from Conductance-Charge Relations, C. Han et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 146803 (2022).
[4]   Realistic protocol to measure entanglement at finite temperatures, C. Han, Y. Meir and E. Sela, Phys. Rev. Lett., in press.