Manhong Yung (17/10/2024)



Manhong Yung

Southern University of Science and Technology, China

From quantum inspired to quantum speedup

When: 12:00-13:00 CET, October 17th (Thursday), 2024

Where: Seminar Room (182), ICMM-CSIC, Campus de Cantoblanco, Madrid

Quantum computing has reached a critical moment. On the one hand, quantum hardware are continuously advancing. On the other hand, quantum computational advantage over classical computing has not yet been available for practical problems. Moreover, the road to universal quantum computing is still long. The highly anticipated quantum variational algorithm is still constrained by a small number of qubits and shallow circuits. Some scholars even think that “NISQ is dead”. In this talk, based on the applications of quantum-inspired algorithms, we introduce the concept of quantum acceleration algorithms and discuss how NISQ quantum hardware can act as an accelerator and add to the value of quantum computing through the mixture with classical computing.