In the period 18 June -5 July, 2019, the collaborators in Project MAT2017-86168R from “Centro de Investigación en Materiales Avanzados (CIMAV)”, Chihuahua, Méjico, had an stay in Spain, visiting ICMM for discusion of common work on lead-free piezoelectric ceramics. The next visit of L. Pardo at CIMAV from 30 August to 8 September, 2019, was organized.
Both CIMAV researchers also attended the EC14 Meeting in Castellón, 26-28 June 2019, contributing with posters and oral presentations.
Profs. Fuentes-Cobas and Montero-Cabrera are members of the Mexican Thematic Network of Synchrotron Light, RedTULS-8. They were visiting together with L. Pardo the ALBA Synchrotron near Barcelona. We have a tour to the facilities kindly guided by Dr. Gastón García, subdirector, and a technical discussion with Klaus Attenkofer, Scientific Director of the Experiments Division.