The COVID19 Pandemia has strongly affected the students involved in experimental studies that had to carry on their work in laboratorios with high restrictions of time and resources or, even more, to stay away during months from the labs. It has also put lots of restrictions in travelling and, consequently, in the student interchange activities that are needed for building up open minds by the knowledge of other methodologies and cultures.
In these difficult situation we were impressed by the overall technical and scientific quality of the Early Stage Researchers contributions to the recent “PIEZO2021: Piezoelectrics for End Users XI” Conference.
Also, we were proud that PIEZO2021 Conference provided students all over Europe with this opportunity to shear their achievements and get in the Virtual Winter School the place to extend their knowledge in piezoelectric materials and, particularly, porous ceramics.
We have judged both the originality of the work, the quality of the content and the clarity of presentation and conclude unanimously to select the following oral and poster contributions presented in PIEZO2021:
Second Prices:
for an Oral Contribution of an Early Stage Researcher:
“Micro-structuration of Piezoelectric Composites Using Dielectrophoresis: Toward application in Condition Monitoring of Bearings” by GIULIA D’AMBROGIO
for a Poster Contribution of an Early Stage Researcher:
“Development of an in-situ biasing XRD set-up for the study of piezo/ferroelectric functional thin films and devices” by KIEN NGUYEN
They are granted with a Recognition Certificate from the Organizers of PIEZO2021.
We kindly invite them to publish their work in the Open Access journal Materials within the Special Issue on “Piezoelectric Ceramics: From Fundamentals to Applications” with the reduced fees offered to PIEZO2021 attendees.
and Best Contributions:
Oral Contribution of an Early Stage Researcher :
“Bonding Delaminations of a Single-element Piezoelectric Transducer: modelling and experimental characterization” by WENXIANG DING
Poster Contribution of an Early Stage Researcher :
“4D printing for electroactive origami” by AMAURY FIMBEL
They are also granted with a Recognition Certificate from the Organizers of PIEZO2021.
This awards include the kind invitation to publish their work in the above mentioned Special Issue as manuscript granted with a free Article Processing Charge.
Congratulations to the winners.
Prof. Lorena Pardo (ICMM-CSIC, Madrid, Spain)
Prof. Amador M. González-Crespo (UPM, Madrid, Spain)
Prof. María Elena Villafuerte-Castrejón (UNAM-CDMX, Mexico)
and article about Materials | Special Issue : Piezoelectric Ceramics: From Fundamentals to Applications (