Prof. Dr. Carlos Zaldo
Email: ResearcherID: K-4321-2013. ORCID ID
CZ was born in 1956 in Madrid, Spain. He received his Ph.D. degree from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) in 1984. After working as a Postdoctoral Fellow (1984–1985) at ETH, Zürich, he joined ICMM-CSIC at 1986 where presently holds a Research Professor chair. He has taught at UAM, Carlos III and Politécnica Universities in Madrid. He worked as a visiting fellow at Optoelectronic Research Centre, Southampton (1993) UK and at St. Andrews University (2009) UK. His current research interests include the use of lanthanide ions in photonics, femtosecond pulsed lasers, crystal growth of disordered oxides, photonic nanoparticles, upconversion applications and spectroscopic techniques.
Prof. Dr. Concepción Cascales
ResearcherID: C-3930-2011.
CC received the Ph.D. degree in solid-state chemistry from the University Complutense of Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 1986. After postdoctoral research at the Laboratoire des Eléments de Transition dans les Solides, UPR 210 CNRS at Meudon-Bellevue, France, she became a staff member of the Institute of Material Science of Madrid ICMM, Spanish Research Council CSIC, where she is currently Research Professor. Her research activity firstly focused on synthesis, structural and magnetic characterization of superconducting oxides and micro- and nanoporous catalysts, as well as on spectroscopic properties and simulation of crystal field effects in lanthanide-doped materials. Her current research is centered in the development of solid-state crystalline media (bulk crystals and nanosized oxides or halides doped with lanthanide ions) for photonic applications, with particular interest in ultrafast (femtosecond) laser systems and optical nanobioprobes.
She has directed research studies for 5 Ph.D. on the preparation and the determination of crystal and magnetic structures of new oxides, and on spectroscopic and laser properties of lanthanide doped crystalline materials (single crystals, micro and nanoparticles).
Dr. María Dolores Serrano
ResearcherID: B-9629-2013. ORCID ID
MDS received the PhD degree in Physics on “Crystals Growth and Characterization of Semiconductors Single Crystals: CdTe and HgI2” from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), Madrid (Spain) in 1994. Between 1994 and 1995 she was visiting research at the CENG-CEA in Grenoble (France) working on the characterization of semiconductor crystals grown under microgravity conditions. After this postdoctoral stay she was assistant professor at the Department of Physics of Materials, of the UAM. Between 1999-2000 she held a Fullbright postdoctoral fellowship for the project «Control of the Crystal Growth Processes of Proteins and its Application to Hemoglobin Crystallization» at the Center for Microgravity and Materials Research (CMMR-UHA) in Huntsville, AL (USA). In 2001 she joined the Materials Science Institute of Madrid (ICMM-CSIC) and is Senior Scientist since 2010. Dr. Serrano was Deputy Director of the ICMM between 2005 and 2013. She has co-authored over 70 scientific papers related to crystal growth and characterization of different kinds of materials and has participate in more than 20 Research Projects (Regional, National and from the European Union). Dr. Serrano is the responsible person for the Crystal Growth Laboratory at the ICMM-CSIC. She is currently interested in the growth and characterization of oxide materials with disorder structure for photonic and femtosecond laser applications, including bulk crystal and epitaxial growth methods like Czochralski, TSSG and LPE.
Dr. José María Cano Torres
Under MDSH supervision, JMCT carried out his PhD in Physics by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain, entitled «Dobles wolframatos y molibdatos tetragonales para láseres en λ=2μm». 2010. Presently he is hired at ICMM-CSIC.
Jorge Omar Pérez
Bachelor in Physics by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Spain.
Former members of the group
Dr. Vladimir Volkov. On leave from Kurnakov Institute, Moscow, Rusia. (NATO grant. Sabatical Program Dec. 12th 1998 – May 31th 2000. NATO grant, Nov. 31th 2002). VV started the Czochralski crystal growth program at ICMM-CSIC.

Dr. Xiumei Han. Bachelor in Chemistry by ShanDong Normal University Jinan, China (1998). M.Sc.(2000) and Ph.D (2003) in Physical Chemistry by Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences. FuZhou, China. Joined ICMM-CSIC through the sabatical program MEC (Feb. 1th 2005- Jul 31th 2006), Juan de la Cierva JCI-2006-4015-2459 (Nov 10th 2006-2009), JAE-Doc (2009-May 2012), and hired (May 1th 2012-Jun 30th 2014). XH started the TSSG crystal growth program at ICMM-CSIC.

Prof. Zhoubin Lin
On leave from Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials Chemistry and Physics, Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fuzhou, China. ZL collaborated in the TSSG laboratory.
Dr. Mauricio Rico Hernández
Under CZ supervision, MRH carried out his final bachelor degree work “Espectroscopía óptica del Er3+ en KTiOPO4 y RbTiOPO4”. April 27th 1998. UAM. Marked Sobresaliente. Afterwards, he got his PhD degree “Espectroscopía del Er3+ y su sensibilización con Yb3+ en monocristales conversores de frecuencia” UAM. April 23th 2003. Marked: Sobresaliente cum laude. Premio extraordinario. Presently he is hired at CLPU, Salamanca, Spain.
Dr. Alberto García Cortés
Under CC supervision AGC carried out his PhD degree «Volframatos y molibdatos desordenados para medios láser de femtosegundos», Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2008, with mention «Sobresaliente cum laude» .

Currently, AGC is a Meteorological Aeronautical Observer at the Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET), in Almeria, Spain. He measures and collects climatological data and provides meteorological information for aviation
Dr. Rocío Calderón Villajos
Under CC supervision RCV carried out her PhD degree entitled «Nanocristales hidrotermales de vanadatos tetragonales. Morfología y optimización de su
upconversion» awared by Univ. Complutense de Madrid in 2014.
Garoé Gonzalez. JAE-Intro 2009 under supervision of CZ.
David Lahera. JAE-Intro 2010 under supervision of CZ.
Antonio Méndez-Blas.
Under CZ and CC joined supervision AMB carried out his PhD degree “Espectroscopía óptica de lantánidos en dobles volframatos y molibdatos sin trasformación polimórfica”, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid UAM, Nov. 17th 2003. Marked «Sobresaliente cum laude». Presently AMB is PI Titular at Instituto de Física «Ing. Luís Rivera Terrazas» Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México.
Other previous PhD and Master Works
Dr. Eduardo Moya Díaz
Under CZ supervision, EMD carried out his final bachelor degree work «Efecto fotorrefractivo y defectos puntuales en Bi4Ge3O12 puro y dopado con cromo». Jul. 1988. UAM, marked Sobresaliente. Afterwards he got his PhD degree «Defectos inducidos por irradiación y efecto fotorrefractivo en Bi4Ge3O12 monocristalino». Feb. 19th 1992. UAM. Marked Apto cum Laude. EMD got in 1997 a position at Universidad de Valencia as “Profesor Titular”. Born in Valera de Abajo in 1960, he passed away in Tarancón, Cuenca, Spain (2003/09/08).
Dr. María José Martín Hernández
Under CZ supervision, MJMH carried out her final bachelor degree work «Daño óptico y reducción térmica de KTiOPO4 monocristalino» in 1994 at UAM, marked as Sobresaliente with Premio extraordinario. Afterwards she got her PhD degree «Depósito de láminas delgadas de titanatos de plomo y niobatos por ablación con láser». 22 Oct. 1996. UAM, marked Apto cum laude. MJMH contributed to the setup of a Pulsed Laser Laboratory at ICMM-CISC. Presently she is at Centro Español de Metrología as Head of Radiation Thermometry Laboratory.

Prof. Carmen Coya Párraga.
Under CZ supervisión, CCP carried out her PhD degree «Métodos de modificación de las propiedades fotorrefractivas en sistemas Bi12MO20«. UAM. 22 de Mayo de 1997. UAM. Marked Apto cum laude. Presently CCP is Professor at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos I of Madrid.
José Edgar Alfonso Orjuela.
Under CZ supervisión JEAO carried out his PhD degree «Integración de óxidos electro-ópticos mediante ablación con láser». UAM. 21 Nov. 1997. Marked Apto cum laude. Presently JEAO is professor at Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Bogotá.

Enrique Vasco Matías.
Under CZ supervisión EVM carried out his PhD degree “Integración de óxidos piezoeléctricos sobre (100)InP por Ablación con Láser”. UAM. June 22th 2001. Marked Sobresaliente cum laude.
Mª Cinta Pujol Baiges.
Under CZ and F. Díaz joined supervision MCPB carried out her PhD degree PhD “Obtenció i caracterització de cristalls monoclínics de KGd(WO4)2 substituïts amb lantànides”. University Rovira i Virgili. 25 Jan 2001. Marked Excelente cum laude. Premio extraordinario.
David Moreno Cambre
Under CZ and JM Albella joined supervision DMC carried out his final bachelor degree work “Sistema optoelectrónico de medida de la textura aleatoria en obleas de silicio monocristalino con software de control en WIN32 y MATLAB”. June 2007. UCIII de Madrid.
Marco Viticoli. January-June 2003. On leave from Istituto per lo Studo dei Materiali Nanostructturati, Monterotondo, Italy. MV collaborated in the pulsed laser deposition of ZrxTi1-xO4 films for microwave devices.