IX National Congress of Crystallography, Oaxaca, Mexico, 20-25 October 2018

Congress organized by the “Sociedad Mexicana de Cristalografía”.
Thank you to the organizers of the Congress, especially to Prof. José Reyes Gasga, for the Invited Talk on:

Interacción campo eléctrico-estructura cristalina en materiales cerámicos piezoeléctricos sin plomo (lead-free)

A fine opportunity to explain our diffraction experiments at the Elettra Sincrotrone (Trieste, Italy) with the Group of Profs. Luis Fuentes and María Elena Montero (CIMAV, Chihuhua), together with the studies on the structure of lead-free piezoceramics with Prof. María Elena Villafuerte-Castrejón (UNAM, CDMX).

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