Prof. Dr. José Antonio Alonso Alonso, Professor of Research at the Institute of Materials Science of Madrid (CSIC), Spain, is a solid-state chemistry specialist, who has obtained his Ph.D. at Universidad Complutense of Madrid (1984). He also was a visiting scholar at the Nobel Laureate J.B. Goodenough’s laboratory in 2008-2009, who invented the lithium batteries. He has also realized research stays at the Center d’Etudes Nucleaires de Grenoble (Groupe Magnetisme et Diffraction Neutronique), at the IBM Almaden Research Center (San José, CA) and at the Chemistry Department, University of California at Berkeley. His research activity in the field has focused high-pressure synthesis of transition metal oxides with unusual electronic and magnetic properties. He has extensively developed energy conversion, storage, and harvesting materials, in particular oxide materials for Li and Na batteries and solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFC), intermetallic alloys for hydrogen storage and chalcogenides and pnictides as thermoelectric materials. Frequent user of synchrotron and neutron diffraction techniques applied to the precise determination of crystal structures. He has more than 450 articles, with a factor H= 52, and more than 11000 citations.

Prof. José Antonio Alonso
Chemical synthesis and characterization Coordinator
At the ICMM in Madrid
Prof. José Antonio ALONSO
Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid
C / Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz 3,
E-28049, Cantoblando
Madrid (España)
Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid
C / Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz 3,
E-28049, Cantoblando
Madrid (España)
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