On-surface synthesis of metal-organic oligomers from photoactive BOPHY molecules and native adatoms

Synthesizing new low-dimensional materials with tailored functionalities for specific applications remains a major challenge in the field of on-surface synthesis. Among these materials, polymers incorporating photoactive moieties stand out as promising candidates for photocatalytic applications, given the exceptional photocatalytic activity exhibited by their bulk counterparts.

In this work, following an on-surface synthesis approach, we have synthesized metal-organic oligomers on Au (111) and Ag (111). We have studied the reaction mechanisms involving precursor molecules and surface metal adatoms that lead to the formation of the metal-organic oligomers. Additionally, the air stability of thus formed chains has been studied on both metal surfaces. This investigation paves the way for developing low-dimensional photoactive materials via on-surface synthesis.

This work has been published in:

“Influence of the substrate in the on-surface synthesis and air stability of 1D metal-organic oligomers”, J. M. Gómez-Fernández, J. I. Martínez, J. M. Zamalloa-Serrano, T. Naranjo, C.G. López-Calixto, L. Schio, L. Floreano, J. I. Mendieta-Moreno, I. Palacio, V. A. de la Peña O’Shea, M. Liras, J. A. Martín-Gago, M. F. López, C. Sánchez-Sánchez, Appl. Surf. Sci. 693 (2025) 162804.

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