
YETI station is a surface science system equipped with two main characterization techniques: Scienta Omicron LT-STM/nc-AFM and Scienta Omicron LEED/AES.
It has 2 separated UHV chambers (base pressure 10-10 mbar), one dedicated to the sample preparation with the common surface science techniques such as noble gas ion sputtering / and two heating stages (resistive heating up to 900 K and electron bombardment up to 1400 K). It also includes a 6-fold evaporator with interchangeable quartz crucibles and other standard equipment such as QMS and QCM. The other chamber is equipped with the LT-STM/nc-AFM (4.5 K) that it is further equipped with a 3D movable lens focused on the tunneling junction for the future implementation of TERS-STM. This complete system allows for a wide range of surface science experiments.


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