Welcome to the Advanced Force Microscopy and Nanolithograpy lab (ForceTool) , Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, CSIC

10th Multifrequency AFM Conference

May 26th – 30th, 2025, Madrid

Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM, CSIC)


We offer a PhD fellowship to power atomic force microscopes with Machine Learning

More information here


Fronteras de la Ciencia 2024

September 19th, 2024, Salamanca

Universidad de Salamanca, Spain

Program: Fronteras de la Ciencia 2024


2024 NANOscientific Forum Europe

October 29th – 31th, 2024, Munich

Fraunhofer EMFT, Germany

Program: 2024 NANOscientific Forum Europe


Machine learning assisted multifrequency AFM: Force model prediction

Dr. Sergio Santos

 The Artic University of Norway

Date: Friday, April 26, 2024, 12:00

Place: Instituto de Ciencias de Materiales de Madrid (CSIC) – Salón de Actos


Semana de la Ciencia y la Tecnología en el CSIC:
Viendo átomos y moléculas

Mas informacion y registro en:



Miguel Catalan Prize

Ricardo Garcia received the Miguel Catalan Prize to the best scientific career by the president of Madrid Region, Isabel Diez Ayuso (2023)


XXII Annual Linz Winter Workshop

February 2nd until 5th

2024, Linz, Austria.

Program: Linz Winter Workshop 2024



VIII Tec4Bio Meeting

October 10th, 2023, Madrid

Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM, CSIC)

Program: Agenda VIII Renión Tec4Bio 10 oct 2023


Nanoscale Multimodal Characterization of Operating Electrolyte-Gated Transistors

Dr. Shubham Tanwar

 Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), Spain

Date: Monday, Sept 25, 2023, 12:00

Place: Instituto de Ciencias de Materiales de Madrid (CSIC)



New Doctor at the Forcetool group:
PhD defense of Juan García Sánchez


12 Brilliant Books on Atomic Force Microscopy — NuNano AFM Probes



Charla en el ICMM con Andrés Castellanos, Ricardo García y José Ángel M. Gago con Ángela Bonachera



9th Multifrequency AFM Conference Madrid,

June 14-16th, 2023, Madrid




A walk through active matter

Chantal Valeriani (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

20-02-2023 – 11:30H

Piezo4Spine – Kick-off meeting in Madrid, January 2023

Piezo4Spine twitter


Specialized iNANO lecture by Professor Ricardo Garcia
Interfacial liquid water on graphite and 2D materials surfaces

Thursday 12 January 2023, at 11:15 – 12:00
Aarhus Univeristy, iNANO meeting room 1590-213


Ricardo Garcia was awarded the Premio Miguel Catalán by the Regional Government of Madrid to the best scientific career in Physical sciences and Engineering.


Ricardo Garcia and Andres Castellanos-Gomez got the Miguel Catalán Award for their research in the area of ​​
physics, chemistry and engineering



Student Contest Award at the XXXVIII Biennial of Physics of the Spanish Royal Physics Society

Recieved by Victor G. Gisbert for his work: High-Speed Bimodal AFM nanomechanical mapping of collagen self-assembly

Decoding mechanical fingerprints of cellular components in pathological conditions: a multiscale perspective

Andra C. Dumitru

Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III(CNIC). 28023 Madrid Spain

Date: Wednesday, May 18, 2022, 12:00

Place: Instituto de Ciencias de Materiales de Madrid (CSIC)

 2022 KPS Spring Meeting
Symposium: Nano-Rheology and Physics of Complex Fluids

April 20-22, 2022 Virtual Conference


Jae Intro

JAE Intro Scholarship: We offer a scholarship (JAE CSIC) for the introduction in the scientific career. More details on the pdf:

Oferta JAE Intro: Se ofrece una beca JAE CSIC de introducción a la carrera científica. Más detalles en el pdf:

Download pdf/descargar pdf


2021 International Scanning Probe Microscopy (ISPM)

Congratulations to our 2021 ISPM3 Poster Award Winners:
Simone Benaglia
Juan Garcia


8th Multifrequency AFM Conference Madrid,

new date:

27th-30th October 2020



Master in Molecular Nanoscience and Nanotechnology


PME-Precision and Microsystems Engineering-Delft University of Technology Mini-Symposium on AFM methods

Friday 11 October 2019

14h00: Prof. Ricardo Garcia, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, CSIC, Spain

Title: A force microscope exploration of water, ions, proteins and cells


Young Researcher Award: «AFMBioMed young investigator award» for the best talk from young researchers

Recieved by Simone Benaglia in the AFM BioMed Conference Münster 2019, for his talk: Mapping nanomechanical properties of proteins and polymers with bimodal AFM


El grafeno y el agua no se mojan noticiasdelaciencia.com

Un equipo liderado por investigadores del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) (España) ha estudiado cómo interaccionan materiales bidimensionales como el grafeno con el agua. (Leer mas)


Ricardo Garcia has been selected to receive a Beller Lectureship for the APS March Meeting, 4-8 March 2019, in Boston, Massachusetts

RG was nominated by the APS Topical Group on Instrument & Measurement Science (GIMS). The Beller Lectureship was endowed by the estate of Esther Hoffman Beller for the purpose of bringing distinguished scientists from abroad as invited speakers at general APS meetings. Every year three lectureships are awarded. Several Nobel laureates such as Pierre de Gennes or Serge Haroche have been awarded with a Beller lectureship in the past.



Viscoelasticity of cells – implications for adhesion and motility

Prof. Andreas Janshoff

Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Göttingen

Materials Science Factory, ICMM, Madrid

20th November 12:00 2018 ICMM, Sala de seminarios

Tracking a cell’s mass in real time: a new indicator of cell physiology

David Martínez-Martín

Materials Science Factory, ICMM, Madrid

5th October 11:00 2018 ICMM, Sala de seminarios

BIO-AFM: AFM and related Techniques for Biological Research

Empa, Lerchenfeldstrasse 5, St.Gallen
September 27, 2018

Check de program in this link

Frontiers in Nanoscience : A force microscope perspective on ions, proteins and cells

Ricardo Garcia
Materials Science Factory, ICMM, Madrid

4th June 2018 AMOLF Lecture Room, AMOLF (The Netherlands)



AMOLF Lecture Room, June 4 2018

CSIC NEWS: Experts on the nano microscopy community gather to discuss about the cells nanomechanics and its application in biomedicine




7th Multifrequency AFM Conference, Madrid, 18th-20th April 2018

Abstract Submission is open until 15th Feb 2018


The Nanotechnology Highlights of 2017
Characterization of organic self-assembled monolayers using bimodal
Atomic Force Microscopy

phD Evangelia-Nefeli Athanasopoulou

16th  Jan 2018, 12 h, Sala de Seminarios, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid

Frontiers in high resolution microscopy:
The emergence of multifrequency force microscopy

Ricardo Garcia

4th Dec 2017, Center for Nanoscale Systems, Harvard 


Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography: nano-patterning and nano-devices witgh high-resolution, within less processing steps, on novel materials

Yu Kyoung Ryu Cho

Postdoctoral researcher at Dr. Armin Knoll’s group, IBM Research Laboratory Zurich.

5th  Sept 2017, 12 h, Sala de Seminarios, ICMM


Role of ions in solid-liquid interfaces investigated by molecular simulations

Lidija Zivanovic,

Aalto University, Department of Applied Physics

13th December 2016, 12 h, Sala de Juntas, ICMM


On November the 8th Ricardo García received the Nanotechnology Recognition Award, given by the American Vacuum Society


Alma Pérez Perrino wins the NSTD Awards Competition given by the American Vacuum Society


Frontiers of Force Microscopy in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Prof. Ricardo García 


3rd November, 3-4 PM


 we offer several graduate student and post-doctoral positions in the fields of Advanced force microscopy, Nanomechanics, Nanolithography and Nanomedicine.
Please send an application with a short CV to ana.tello@csic.es


Daniel Martin-Jimenez has received the Best poster prize at the Condensed Matter Divison Congress of the European Physical Society held in Groningen from Sept 4th to 9th, 2016;  http://cmd26.eu/

Una nueva técnica de mircroscopía toma imágenes con resolución atómica de la estructura de sales disueltas en agua

ACS Nano acknowledges the contributions of the group to the development of force microscopy
Editorial, July 26th, 2016; ACS Nano 10, 6417-6419 (2016)

Nature Nanotechnology acknowledges Multifrequency AFM as one of the more active and promising areas of research in high resolution force microscopy.  Editorial, April 2016, Nature  Nanotechnology 11, 305 (2016).

Ricardo García escribe las primeras páginas de El Quijote en tamaño nanométrico


Latest News

RICARDO GARCÍA, Premio de Nanotecnología 2016 otorgado por la American Vacuum Society
Ricardo García, Bazas de la Investigación Madrileña






¿Qué sabemos de Nanotecnología? Entrevista a Ricardo García