High-Performance n-type SnSe Thermoelectric Polycrystal Prepared by Arc-Melting.
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Spontaneous Formation of Core@shell Co@Cr Nanoparticles by Gas Phase Synthesis.
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Core-Satellite Gold Nanoparticle Complexes Grown by Inert Gas Phase Condensation.
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Electrocatalytic behaviour of PtCu clusters produced by nanoparticle beam deposition.
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Structural features, anisotropic thermal expansion, and thermoelectric performance in bulk Black Phosphorus synthesized under high-pressure.
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Characterization of a new rechargeable Zn/PVAKOH/Bi2O3 battery: structural changes of the Bi2O3 electrode.
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Facile synthesis of an aminopropylsilane layer on Si/SiO2 substrates using ethanol as APTES solvent.
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Raman amplification in the ultra-small limit of Ag nanoparticles on SiO2 and graphene: Size and inter-particle distance effects.
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Production and processing of graphene and related materials.
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Unveiling the infrared complex dielectric function of ilmenite CdTiO3.
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