PIEZO2021 Conference webpage launched

The new edition of the Winter Conference PIEZO2021: Piezoelectrics for End Users XI will be held at the University of Sassari, Sardinia, Italy, Feb 21-24, 2021. PIEZO2021 will be dedicated to advances in manufacturing, characterization and applications of electroactive, particularly piezoelectric, materials and devices. See updated information on topics, a…

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14 June 2019: The first meeting of the Advisory Board of the European Institute on Piezoelectric Materials and Devices

The first meeting of the Advisory Board of the renewed European Institute on Piezoelectric Materials and Devices, Piezo Institute (PI), took place co-chaired by Guy Feuillard, President of the Piezo Institute, and Lorena Pardo, Chair of the Board. The Advisory Board of the PiezoInstitute (PI) is an scientific committee composed…

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IX National Congress of Crystallography, Oaxaca, Mexico, 20-25 October 2018

Congress organized by the “Sociedad Mexicana de Cristalografía”. Thank you to the organizers of the Congress, especially to Prof. José Reyes Gasga, for the Invited Talk on: Interacción campo eléctrico-estructura cristalina en materiales cerámicos piezoeléctricos sin plomo (lead-free) A fine opportunity to explain our diffraction experiments at the Elettra Sincrotrone…

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IFAAP, May 27 – June 1, 2018, Hiroshima, Japan

The 2018 ISAF-FMA-AMF-AMEC-PFM (IFAAP) Joint Conference was hold at International Conference Center at Hiroshima, Japan from May 27 through June 1, 2018. This was the first joint conference between IEEE-ISAF and Asian meetings of ferroelectrics (AMF) and electroceramics (AMEC). It included a Special Session: R & D in Japanese Industries.…

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