Lanthanide-porphyrin species as Kondo irreversible switches through tip-induced coordination chemistry (NANOSCALE 2021)

Metallosupramolecular chemical protocols are applied to in situ design dysprosium porphyrin complexes on Au(111) by sequential deposition of 2H-4FTPP species and Dy, resulting in the production of premetallated Dy-2H-4FTPP, partially metallated Dy-1H-4FTPP and fully metallated Dy-0H-4FTPP complexes, as determined by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. A zero bias resonance is found in the Dy-2H-4FTPP species which, upon study of its spatial distribution and behavior with temperature, is assigned to a Kondo resonance resulting from an unpaired spin in the molecular backbone, featuring a Kondo temperature (TK) of ≈ 21 K. Notably, the Kondo resonance can be switched off by removing one hydrogen atom of the macrocycle through tip-induced voltage pulses with submolecular precision. The species with this Kondo resonance can be laterally manipulated illustrating the potential to assemble artificial Kondo lattices. Our study demonstrates that the pre-metallation of macrocycles by lanthanides and their controlled manipulation is a novel strategy to engineer in situ tunable Kondo nanoarchitectures, enhancing the potential of coordination chemistry for spintronics.

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Lanthanide-porphyrin species as Kondo irreversible switches through tip-induced coordination chemistry,

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