
Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, CSIC

  • In september 2021, we initiated tasks related to Objective 1 for the design of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONPs) with a high magnetic response, Objective 2 for the evaluation of the biocompatibility in vitro of some of these SPIONPs (fabricated by autoclave and dissolution) and Objective 3 for the development of 3D porous hydrogels composed of natural biopolymers.

  • In october 2021, MaMBIO acquired the 3D bioprinter BIO V1 from REGEMAT 3D S.L. Since then, we actively worked on learning the fundaments of 3D bioprinting and its utility fot the development of 3D scaffolds with interest for our project.

  • In march 2022, MaMBIO continues to progress on the objectives of the project, developing new hydrogel formulations and magnetic nanoparticles for the main target of the MAG4Spinal: the injured spinal cord. Some of the results obtained were presented at the upcoming conferences NALS 2022 and NanoSpain 2022 by MaMBIO students.
  • In july 2022, the project progress continued with the hard work of four active women students largely devoted to the project: Esther (PhD student), Julia (TFM student), Marta (TFM student) and Natalia (JAE-ICU). Good job!
  • In september 2022, MaMBIO keeps advancing in the objectives of the project (Objectives 1 to 3), with novel findings on the interaction of iron oxide nanoparticles with primary neural cells that have been just submitted for publication.
  • In december 2022, MaMBIO submits an article on the interaction of primary neural cells with iron oxide nanoparticles. It got a positive feedback from reviewers and the team worked to respond satisfactorily to all reviewers’ concerns. The revised version is submitted in february 2023.
  • In january 2023, MaMBIO advances on the project objectives (Objectives 1 to 4), with novel results in the development and biological characterization of polymer-coated iron oxide nanoparticles and magnetic hydrogels. A manuscript containing these findings is in preparation.
  • In march 2023, MaMBIO performs the first implantation of magnetic hydrogels in hemisected rats in collaboration with the Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos (Dr. Elisa López Dolado).
  • In october 30th, 2023, the PIs received a notification from the Ministery with a VERY SATISFACTORY mid-term evaluation, encouraging both teams to keep working at this pace.
  • Along 2023 and 2024, outstanding results from the project are being published in diverse relevant journals in materials science. For further details, please visit the publications section in this MAG4Spinal tabs within this website.