MaMBIO team members actively participated in activities of the 11F, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. This time, they participated with the Escape Road: «A la búsqueda de las mujeres Nobel y No Nobel». Together, we inspire future generations to break barriers and reach for the stars!
The CDTI Innovation and the Nanomedicine_CSIC Hub organized a Cooperation Meeting on Nanomedicine between Thailand and Spain on January 29, 2025, at the Materials Science Institute of Madrid (ICMM-CSIC).
The main goal was to exchange expertise and innovations in this area of nanotechnology applied to medicine, aiming to advance more effective diagnostics and treatments. Members of the Nanomedicine_CSIC Hub from different institutes (IQM, ICTP, INMA, and ICMM) presented their technological capabilities in nanomedicine, while Thai delegates showcased their initiatives to foster collaboration and partnerships with Spain.
This event was organized by Ricardo Rubiales from the CDTI’s Department of Technology and Internationalization and Professor María del Puerto Morales, coordinator of the Nanomedicine_CSIC Hub. From Thailand, participants included Suchada Thaensap, Secretary of the Minister of Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation (MHESI), representatives from the Ministry’s Programme Management Unit for Competitiveness (PMUC), and members of Mahidol University in Bangkok.
Álvaro Martín Gallo Córdova has been awarded the prize in the VII Edition of the Mares Circulares Awards for his project, «Nanopartículas magnéticas para catálisis medioambiental: Hacia una economía circular basada en la revalorización de contaminantes». Here’s to many more achievements!
The Conexión Nanomedicina CSIC hosted its III Annual Assembly at the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, showcasing several key contributions from the MAMBIO group.
Hypelignum consortium members met at CSIC facilities to discuss the progress of the project during the year. Congratulations to the great advance and the fruitful discussions! Well done!
Piezo4Spine consortium members met at the University of Coimbra to discuss the progress of the project during the second year. Congratulations to the great advance and the fruitful discussions! Go, team!
Ana conducted experiments at the Centro de Protonterapia QuirónSalud as part of the ASAP-CM project funded by the Comunidad de Madrid, advancing research into new therapies.
MaMBIO team members leaded by Puerto Morales published outstanding results on a new green and energetically efficient method based on the use of iron oxide nanoflowers to remove cosmetics nanoplastics from water. Have a look at the work done!
Puerto Morales is leading MaMBIO team members to new trends in biodegradable electronics. Check out oustading results and publications from the group! Congratulations!
The new project H2umidity to produce green hydrogen through a more efficient and cost-effective method has been initiated. Puerto Morales is leading the work at ICMM, together with scientists from INCAR, UPM, Water2kW y Graphenea. Best of luck in this scientific adventure!
Puerto was enterviewed at the Radio, in the program «De cero al infinito» of Paco León, in Onda Cero.
Álvaro and Carlos organized the 2nd Edition of the workshop on Iron oxide nanoparticles synthesis at the ICMM. More than a doze of students attended the course, that was again a complete success. Congratulations!
MaMBIO team members gathered together for lunch to celebrate summer and say goodbye to Axelle. It has been a great pleasure having you here, Axelle. You did a great job with the 3D printer. Thank you and best of luck!
MaMBIO in the CSIC News: «A new method based on iron oxide nanoparticles that opens the door to a more sustainable electronics«. Good job, team!
M. Puerto Morales joined Ana Villar and Jade Rivera in Santander to celebrate the 3rd Edition of the Summer School of the Nanomedicine CSIC Hub: «The Medicine of the Future: Nanomedicine». It was again a complete success and students enjoyed fantastic talks and scientific discussions. Lola and Marta attended the school.
MaMBIO team members joined together at the 14th International Conference on the Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers, organized by Dr Alex Roca, Prof. M. Puerto Morales, Dr. Lucía Gutiérrez and Prof. Urs Hafeli in Barcelona. What a great conference with a lot of fruitful discussions and collaborations! Great talks and posters! Congratulations for the prize, Margherita! And thanks for the great effort to the organizers and the whole team to assist during the conference!
The 2nd Edition of the workshop Nanomedicine CSIC-Hub + IMDEA Nanociencia was celebrated at the Botanical Jarden of Madrid. Fruitful scientific interactions and interesting talks fulfilled the 2-day programme. Puerto gave one the most inspiring talks, well done!
MaMBIO team members participated in the YOUMAT2024 meeting at ICMM-CSIC. Julia Martínez gave a talk and Rafael Herrera, a flash-talk. Julia won the Prize for the best oral presentation from the Materials for Health and Materials for Digital Information sections. Congratulations, Julia! Good job!
Álvaro Gallo-Córdova won the 2024 European Magnetism Association Young Scientist Award! Congratulations to both you and your adviser, Puerto Morales, for such an accomplishment! Well done!
MaMBIO members integrating the Piezo4Spine consortium succesfully passed the evaluation of the First Reporting Period (RP1) with the European Commision. The whole consortium received congratulations and encouraging words from the pannel of experts. Great job!! Let’s keep working at the same pace!
Puerto Morales and Álvaro Gallo-Córdova attended 4th International conference on Nanomaterials Applied to Life Sciences (NALS2024) with a poster and an oral presentations, respectively. Great conference and networking in the beautiful city of Granada!
MaMBIO team members actively participated in outreach activities related to the celebration of the 11F, International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Let’s celebrate and disseminate!
Juan Víctor Caz Bonillo, with a background in biochemistry and molecular biology, joined the MaMBIO group as a technician. Welcome to the team!
Marta Molina Pérez joined the MaMBIO and ForceTool groups as a recipient of a FPI-Severo Ochoa PhD fellowship. She will carry out her PhD thesis within the Piezo4Spine project under the supervision of Conchi Serrano and Prof. Ricardo García. Welcome to our teams!
Ana Espinosa officially became a Tenured Scientist at CSIC. Congratulations, great achievement!
MaMBIO team members, together with our Piezo4Spine collaborators, WISH YOU ALL MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2024!!
Ana Arché Núñez defended her PhD thesis entitled: «FABRICACIÓN, CARACTERIZACIÓN, Y BIOCOMPATIBILIDAD IN-VITRODE ELECTRODOS DE ESTIMULACIÓN NEURAL BASADOS EN NANOHILOS», carried out under the supervision of Conchi Serrano (ICMM-CSIC) and Teresa González (IMDEA-Nanociencia). Congratulations, Ana, for such great accomplishment! Well done! Best luck for your future carreer. You know where you can find us.
Esther Benayas gave a nice talk with a summary of her short-term stay in the laboratory of Dr Ana Villar in Santander. This research stay was funded with a fellowship from the Nanomedicine CSIC Hub. Very productive stay and progress in a new collaborative topic between both research labs. Thank you!
MaMBIO members gathered together in Petten, the Netherlands, for the M12 meeting of the HypeLygnum European project. Important advances of the project were presented and discussed with all consortium members. Great project progress and great meeting.
MaMBIO and ForceTool members gathered together in Ferrara, Italy, for the annual meeting of the Piezo4Spine project. Important advances of the project were presented and discussed with all consortium members. Great project progress and great meeting! Thanks IIT for this awesome hosting! Press notes on this meeting have been released by both CSIC and SESCAM. Please, check them out!
Álvaro Gallo-Córdova was awarded with an Accesit to the best PhD work in the Talent and Technology Prize from the Comunidad de Madrid. Only 14 awarded PhD thesis of a total of 230!! Congratulations for this new recognition to Álvaro, Puerto and Jesús! Well done!
Esther Benayas, Julia Martínez and Conchi Serrano participated with respective oral contributions to the V QuimBioQuim organized by Eva G. Frutos y Margarita Darder in Segovia in collaboration with the UNED. Great networking opportunity for PhD students from different universities and research institutions. And a great pianist to close the event, HyeRyun Jung!
Most of ICMM staff gathered together in Buitrago at the ICMM-Days! Fantastic opportunity to know each other better and create a corporate feeling! Congratulations to the ICMM Direction and Communication teams for the great organization of the event!
Esther Benayas, Julia Martínez and Carlos Díaz-Ufano participated in the European Researchers’ Night with colleagues at the ICMM in the Hospital 12 de Octubre in Madrid, approaching our lab and the Piezo4Spine project to the general public. Thank you for your efforts in outreach! It was a fascinating evening!
Puerto Morales, Fernando Herranz, Lucía Gutiérrez and Gorka Salas succesfully organized the 6th consecutive Edition of the SBAN Conference at the ICMM-CSIC. Marta Toldos, Esther Benayas and Julia Martínez presented their respective outstanding results as a short oral communication and posters, respectively. Well done, team! It was a productive and successful conference with excellent invited speakers! Congratulations to organizers and participants! We reached a hundred scientists.
Conchi Serrano attended wiht an invited talk the 2nd Workshop of the NeuroStimSpinal Project leaded by Prof. Paula Marques in the University of Aveiro (Portugal). A fantastic scientific discussion on the progress of the project with top scientists such as Prof. Kostas Kostarelos and Prof. Abid Pandit.
Álvaro Gallo-Córdova was awarded with the Prize to the best PhD work in Magnetism, Magnetic Materials and their applications in the 2nd Edition of the Contest organized by the Spanish Chapter of the Magnetic Society of IEEE. Congratulations for this new recognition to Álvaro, Puerto and Jesús! Well done!
All MaMBIO team members gathered together in a goodbye lunch for Helena. It was great having you with us and we look forward to receiving you again in the lab!
Álvaro Gallo-Córdova was awarded with the Extraordinary Prize for his PhD Thesis from the Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Doctorate Program at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Congratulations for such a remarkable accomplishment!!
Belén Corrales defended her Master Thesis on the desing of nanoreactors for biodisel synthesis at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid receveing a 9.9/10 mark. Congratulations, Belén! Well done. Extensive congratulations to your supervisors, Puerto and Álvaro!
Conchi Serrano attended the XXXIX Biannual Meeting of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry with an Invited Talk in the Symposium «The Chemistry of Nanomedicine: NanoMedChem» organized by the CSIC Nanomedicine HUB. It was a great conference, congratulations to the organizers and to Fernando Herranz and Álvaro Somoza for the invitation.
Sabino Veintemillas and Carlos Díaz-Ufano attended the 13th ICMAT Conference in Singapur. Sabino gave an Invited Talk and Carlos received the Prize to the best Poster presentation. Congratulations to both of you!
Puerto Morales and Conchi Serrano attended two Summer Schools organized by the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo in Santander as invited speakers with respective talks in the courses «Escuela de verano Nanomed CSIC La medicina del futura: Nanomedicina« and «Desafíos Tecnológicos de la Neurociencia y su dimensión ética«. Fresh and productive scientific discussions at the Magdalena Palace! Puerto, Ana Villar and Aitziber López Cortajarena were interviewed by the El Diario Cantabria and the UIMP (available at YouTube). Please, check out their testimony on the progress of Nanomedicine! Julia Martínez and Marta Toldos from the MaMBIO Group attended the school as student participants.
Belén Corrales, Julia Martínez and Conchi Serrano participated in the Europe Day at the Library Eugenio Trías in «El Retiro Jarden» in Madrid, an activity organized by CSIC. We all shared our participation in European funded initiatives with students from Secondary Schools in Madrid. Happy Europe Day!!
Carlos Díaz, Esther Benayas and Julia Martínez participated in the YOUMAT2023 Meeting, celebrated at the ICMM-CSIC. Esther received an award for the best presentation in health. Congratulations to all participants and awardees! It was a very productive event.
Puerto Morales gave an invited talk at the INAMAT2 Meeting on «New Advances in Magnetic Nanoparticles: Biomedical and Environmental Applications» organized by the UPNA/INAMAT2 and celebrated in Pamplona.
Puerto Morales gave an invited talk at the NANOMAHEAT Conference organized by the University of Santiago de Compostela and celebrated in Santiago. The conference was very productive and fruitful discussions took place.
Esther Benayas and Conchi Serrano were invited by Prof. Jian Yang to visit Pennsilvania State University. Conchi gave an invited talk on MaMBIO recent progress and presented the Piezo4Spine project to the audience at the Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences CREATE Series. Avenues for new collaborations were opened.
Esther Benayas and Conchi Serrano participated in the TERMIS – North America Meeting in Boston (USA) with respective poster and oral presentations. The conference was very productive and fruitful discussions took place.
Puerto Morales and Conchi Serrano participated as invited speakers at the Seminar: «Small but mighty: what can nanomaterials do for personalized medicine» organized by Dr. Cristina Martín at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Congratulations! It was a fruitful discussion on nanomaterials with plenty of functionalities for health applications.
Puerto Morales and Ana Espinosa participated in the “1st International Conference of Magnetic Nanomaterials in Biomedicine” APRICOT 2023 in Yerevan, Armenia.
The Piezo4Spine website is launched. Please, visit it and keep updated about our project progress and news!
Conchi, Julia, Esther and Fátima Esteban brought the Scape Road Outreach Activity to primary school children in Tres Cantos, sponsored by the Tres Cantos City Hall. A complete success in which we enjoyed learning about the passionated lives of Nobel Prize Awarded Women.
Puerto and Conchi participated as invited speakers in the event «Women in Nanomedicine» organized by the Nanomedicine CSIC Hub to commemorate the 11F: International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Hundreds of secondary school teenagers attended the event. Happy 11F for you all!
Sabino Veintemillas has been selected as an Invited Speaker in the International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT), the Materials Research Society of Singapore (MRS-S), from June 26th to 30th, 2023, in Singapore.
Puerto Morales will be a Plenary Speaker in the International Conference on Magnetic Fluids (ICMF) from June 12th to 16th, 2023, at the University of Granada.
Piezo4Spine celebrated its kick-off meeting at the ICMM-CSIC. All members of this european consortium joined for this pleasant and inspiring meeting in which the first actions of the project were decided. Congratulations again for this outstanding accomplishment and best of luck for the project! Thanks to all members to join!
MaMBIO team initiated the coordination of the PathFinder Project Piezo4Spine, an exciting scientific adventure that will join together effort from outstanding scientists from Spain, Italy, Portugal, Belgium, Austria, and Germany for the next 4 years. We will work hard to reach our target in the project.
MaMBIO and LINER team members gathered together in the 2022 Christmas Meeting at ICMM-CSIC. Christmas is coming, let’s celebrate with some good science and «pinchos» 🙂
Ana Espinosa obtained a permannent position as Tenured Scientist at the Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, CSIC. Congratulations, Ana! You made a great job!
Álvaro Gallo-Córdova received an Accesit Prize as Finalist for the Margarita Salas Research Award to the best PhD thesis in Environmental Science of the Comunidad de Madrid. The ceremony took place in the Centro de Cultura Contemporánea Conde Duque in Madrid. We congratulate Álvaro and Puerto for this honorable prize.
MaMBIO team members participated in the I Scientific Workshop: «A traslational view for spinal cord injury» organized by the National Hospital for Paraplegics in Toledo. They contributed with 2 posters. The event was a complete success, with a close interaction between clinicians and scientists working together to improve clinical assistance and develop novel therapeutics for paraplegic patients.
Conchi Serrano and Pedro Serena participated in the TV Program «Objetivo Planeta: La Nanociencia, un viaje apasionante» to talk about Nanoscience and Nanotechnology on RTVE 24h Channel. It can be watched also through their YouTube channel.
Puerto Morales and Sabino Veintemillas participated in the Kick-off meeting of the European Project HypeLignum in Sweden. This exciting project gets started.
Álvaro Gallo-Córdova gets selected as finalist for the Margarita Salas Research Award to the best PhD thesis of the Comunidad de Madrid. The ceremony will take place in the Centro de Cultura Contemporánea Conde Duque in Madrid, on November 10th, 2022. We congratulate Álvaro and Puerto for this amazing achievement and wish them the best of luck for the final selection.
Puerto Morales gave a Plenary Talk and Álvaro Gallo Córdova and David Egea respective Invited Talks in the 11th International Conference on Fine Particle Magnetism celebrated in Yokohama (Japan). The conference is being a fruitful adn succesful discussion of relevant scientific contributions in a beautiful land plenty of exotic food.
MaMBIO team members participated in the Annual General Assembly of the Hipernano Network (Agenda) coordinated by Daniel Ortega at IMDEA Nanoscience.
The proposal Piezo4Spine, submitted to the Horizon Europe PathFinder 2022 Call by Puerto Morales, Sabino Veintemillas, Ricardo García and Conchi Serrano, has been selected for funding. Conchi Serrano coordinates the proposal, which involves 7 different European partners and a total budget of 3.5 M€. They have been invitated to prepare the Grant Agreement. Congratulations for their great job in the proposal preparation and best of luck for the project development!
Conchi Serrano gave a talk at the ATENEO DE MADRID on the use of graphene oxide and iron oxide nanoparticles for neural regeneration.
Carlos Díaz-Ufano, Julia Martínez and Conchi Serrano participated in the 12th European Researchers’ Night at CSIC. They interacted with school children and general public in nanotechnology-related activities and the Scape Road with Nobel Prize Women. It was a complete success, being difused in the media (TeleMadrid and RTVE Radio5).
The article «Healing from inside: An alternative for regenerating the injured spinal cord» written by the journalist Lucía Casas from an interview to Puerto Morales, Sabino Veintemillas, Elisa López, Ricardo García, and Conchi Serrano was released in the CSIC website. We encourage you to read it and get close to our research work!
Puerto Morales, Fernando Herranz, Lucía Gutiérrez and Gorka Salas succesfully organized the 5th consecutive Edition of the SBAN Conference at the ICMM-CSIC, this year again in person! Esther Benayas and Julia Martínez presented their respective outstanding results as short oral communications and Álvaro Córdova-Gallo and Carlos Díaz-Ufano did so in a poster. Well done, team! It was a productive and successful conference. Congratulations to the organizers and participants! We almost reached a hundred.
André Girão presented part of his PhD work as a poster communication at the Graphene Week in Munich (Germany). It was a fruitful discussion with scientists in the field. Congratulations!
Congratulations to MaMBIO team members for their recent publication on ACS Nano, in collaboration with scientists at the Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal). It has been recently highlighted as featured content by the journal. Very useful review in the field!
Congratulations to MaMBIO team members for their recent publication on the Journal of Physical Chemistry C, in collaboration with scientists at the Instituto Politécnico Nacional de Mexico, IMDEA Nanociencia and Universidad de Zaragoza. Good contribution to the field of manganese ferrite nanoparticles!
Congratulations to Belén Corrales for the excellent dissertation of her Grade Thesis in Materials Engineering at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. She obtained ¡¡9.7!! and got the «Honored Grade». Great job!
07/07/2022 and 18/07/2022
Álvaro Gallo and Carlos Díaz organized the 1st MaMBIO Course on Synthesis of Iron Oxide Magnetic Nanoparticles. Students and research visitors in the group attended. Great iniciative!
Dasha defended her Master Thesis at the UC3M and got a 10 out of 10. Congratulations to Dasha for the good work done and to Puerto for her great supervision!
Natalia Villar Gómez joined the MaMBIO group as a JAE-ICU Intro for 3 months. Congratulations! She will be working on magnetic hydrogels and iron oxide nanoparticles.
Daniel Pastrana defended his Grade Thesis dissertation. He got 9.2 out of 10!! Good job! MaMBIO team members wish you best of luck in your future career.
Puerto Morales assisted to the Workshop of CIBER-BBN/NANBIOSIS ICTS and NANOMEDICINE CSIC HUB in Barcelona. She gave the talk: «Magnetic nanoheating for remote controlled drug release«. It is being an excellent forum to exchange scientific ideas and establish new collaborations between these networks!
Congratulations to MaMBIO team members for recent publications on Nanoscale, in collaboration with scientists at IMDEA Nanoscience, and Pharmaceutics, in collaboration with researchers at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Congratulations to Belén Corrales for the excellent dissertation of her Grade Thesis in Energy Engineering at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. She obtained the highest mark from the Committee, ¡¡8.4!! Great job! MaMBIO team members gathered together to celebrate with her!
Julia Martínez and Marta Toldos obtained their Master Degree in a ceremony at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Congratulations for their great work!
Julia Martínez and Marta Toldos made their Master Thesis dissertation at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. They got marks of 9.6 and 9.7 (out of 10), respectively. Congratulations to both of them for their excellent Master work and lab dedication! Great job!
Álvaro Gallo and Carlos Díaz participated in the Summer Course of the Spanish Club of Magnetism in Llanes (Asturias). Both of them gave oral talks during the Student Networking Sessions. Excellent environment for training and discussing scientific ideas in the field!
Conchi Serrano participated as an invited speaker at the XXVI Edition of the Scientific Symposia organized by ASPAYM-Madrid. It was a great pleasure to talk about research advances on (bio)materials for spinal cord injury to patients.
Conchi Serrano joined Prof. Paula Marques and Dr. Nathalie Barroca in Barcelona to defend their proposal in the personal interview of the second round of LaCaixa Health 2021 Call. The proposal was not selected for funding, but we were very grateful to reach such level of research quality!
MaMBIO team members gathered together in a goodbye lunch for André Girão, Nahuel Núñez and Ana Arché. Good luck, friends, in your respective stages!
Nahuel Núñez from the Instituto Balseiro (Argentine) joins the MaMBIO group for a 3-month stay in Spain, within the context of the NESTOR project (H2020-RISE). Welcome, Nahuel! It is a great pleasure to have you here!
MaMBIO team members edited and participated as co-authors, together with other national and international colleagues, in the book «Engineering Biomaterials for Neural Applications: Targetting Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries» published by Springer-Nature (2022). Congratulations for such useful compendium of research and clinical advances in the topic.
MaMBIO team members participated in the NALS 2022 conference in Santander. It was an excellent meeting, full of inspiring talks by a diversity of national and international outstanding scientists working in nanomaterials for biomedicine. Esther, Carlos and Belén had poster communications with poster pitches; Puerto had an invited talk and chaired the NALS Women Session and Conchi had a keynote talk and chaired the Magnetic Materials Session. Congratulations to the organizers! Great job!
Yadi Portilla from Domingo Barber’s Lab at CNB-CSIC will give a talk on recent results in collaboration with MaMBIO on the effect of iron oxide nanoparticles in the infection of cells by SARS-COV-2 as part of MaMBIO seminar series at ICMM-CSIC.
Work in collaboration between MaMBIO and Domingo Barber’s Lab at CNB-CSIC on the development and exploration of iron oxide nanoparticles for cancer treatment is presented in the news. Take the time to enjoy this nice overview of the extensive interdisciplinary work carried out in this close collaboration!
Our PhD student Álvaro Gallo Córdova defended his PhD thesis at ICMM. He did a great job both at the presentation and the questions’ section. Congratulations to Álvaro and his PhD advisers, Puerto Morales and Jesús García-Ovejero, for this extraordinary and «sobresaliente» work! Thanks also to the five members of the PhD Committee for accepting the invitation to be part of this scientific event!
Maria Eugenia Fortes Brollo gave a talk in our Group Meeting series with the title: «Magnetic hyperthermia in dynamic flux for viscous liquids”, related to the work that she carried out during her postdoctoral stage in Brazil. We were delighted to receive her again at ICMM.
Fernando Herranz and Puerto Morales chaired the 2nd General Assembly of the Nanomedicine CSIC Hub. Tens of participants gathered together to share the progress of the HUB in its first 9 months of actions. Puerto chaired a discussion table on transference, Conchi gives a plenary talk and Esther and Álvaro presented a group poster. It was a successful meeting for everyone. Thanks for joining!
Our proposal submitted to the HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01 has reached the stage of Grant Agreement preparation. Congratulations to Puerto Morales, as leader of the CSIC team, for her hard work writing the proposal! Looking forward to initiate this promising research on hybrid printed electronics!
Belén Corrales defended her Bachelor Thesis at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Congratulations for her excellent work and the high grade obtained (9.7/10.0)!
The MaMBIO Group celebrated Women’s Day with a special seminar given by our PhD student Esther Benayas, who discussed outstanding work by Prof. Courtine recently published in Nature Medicine. We encourage you to read such remarkable contribution.
Prof. Balachandrian Jeyadevan gave his last talk at Shiga Prefecture University (Japan). We thank him for his outstanding contributions to the development of new methods for the synthesis and characterization of magnetic and nanostructured conductive materials. A whole life devoted to teaching and science!
Congratulations to the MaMBIO Group for its recent publication in Biomaterials! Novel insights into the pivotal role that the surface coating of iron oxide nanoparticles plays on intracellular trafficking and biodegradation. Great job! Check the press media release by CSIC on this matter too!
Puerto participated as an INVITED SPEAKER at the round table «Synthetic and biological nanostructures» during the meeting of the Madrid Network of Nanoscience and Molecular Imaging. She gave a very inspiring talk with a deep perspective on the use of iron oxide nanoparticles in biomedicine and the current contribution of MaMBIO to the field. It was an event full of excellent talks by all the speakers and very fruitful discussions.
The IMAGE project in which MaMBIO participates initiated its first steps. The kick-off meeting took place online.
The NESTOR project in which MaMBIO participates started. The kick-off meeting took place online.
Álvaro acted as a General Chair and poster presenter at the Conference «Young Researchers in Magnetism 2021» (5th YRinM). Also, Carlos participated with an oral presentation and Belén submitted a picture to the 1st CEMAG Capturing Science Contest of the conference. The conference was a successful exchange of excellent science and ideas. Thanks to all participants!
Congratulations to the MaMBIO Group for its recent publication in the Journal of Colloid and Interface Science! Novel results unraveling the mechanisms behind the single/multicore effects on the catalitic activity of magnetic iron oxide colloids. Great contribution!
The MaMBIO Group searched for a highly motivated candidate for a FPI predoctoral fellowship. Please, visit the AEI website with the details of the call!
Congratulations to the MaMBIO Group for its recent publication in Biomaterials! Novel results unraveling the capacity of nanostructured gold electrodes to promote neural maturation and network connectivity. Good job, team!
The MaMBIO Group initiated its periodic Group Meetings with two alternate formats: Journal clubs and regular lab meetings. Every wednesday at 10 am at the seminars room in the ICMM-CSIC.
Conchi participated as an INVITED SPEAKER at the Workshop «Present approaches for neural tissue regeneration» organized by the European FET-OPEN Project NeuroStimSpinal. Please, check it out to learn more on recent strategies to repair the injured spinal cord.
The MaMBIO Group participated in the European Researchers’ Night 2021 in Atocha Train Station (Madrid). It was a venue full of enthusiastic scientists and public enjoying science together. We also made a journey to meet Nobel laureate women in the Scape Road with our youngest future scientists
Puerto participated as an INVITED SPEAKER and SESSION CHAIR at the 12th International Conference on “Instrumental Methods of Analysis” (IMA-2021) online. She made a great contribution to the conference
Conchi participated as a SESSION CHAIR and SPEAKER at the ESB2021 online. It was a great conference with amazing science to learn and enjoy. It was a pity not to meet in person in Porto (Portugal). Congratulations to the organizers for their amazing work!
Puerto participated as an INVITED SPEAKER at the IV International Baltic Conference on Magnetism online. Inspiring advances in nanoparticles for biomedical applications were shared
Congratulations to the MaMBIO Group for its recent publication in Nano Letters! Selective magnetic nanoheating in the context of the HOTZYMES project. Good job, team!
Congratulations to the MaMBIO Group for its recent publication in Nanoscale! It describes the effect of size, shape and assembly of magnetic nanoparticles drives hyperthermia behavior. Good contribution to the field!