The Welch Scholarship of the I.U.S.V.T.A.

Scholarship Application Deadline Extended to April 30th 2011 The Welch Scholarship provides $15000 support once per year to a promising scholar who wishes to study vacuum science, techniques or their application in any field, and wants to spend a year in a research lab in another country. This is an…
Surfaces: Magic wands for molecular transformations

New bottom-up strategies for molecular assembly to tailor-build new molecules The appearance on the technological scene of new electronic devices based on organic molecules is awaited with much expectation since they promise to be inexpensive, flexible, faster and smaller than those based on silicon technology. However, molecular electronics faces important…
An atomistic view of the the enantiomeric recognition of PAHs on single crystal metal surfaces

Recently published in Chemistry, a European Journal. Vacuum deposition of a planarized PAH, as C60H30 , on a single-crystal surface, as Pt(111), leads to surface induced chirality caused by the different landing side of the molecule, as depicted by in-situ STM images. We show that the surface discriminate the landing…
Ordered Vacancy Network Induced by the Growth of Epitaxial Graphene on Pt(111)

Published in Phys. Rev. Lett. by ESISNA Graphene is one of the most outstanding materials of the decade. Among all the different proposed applications and protocols to growth it, epitaxial graphene on single-crystal metal surfaces have acquired a significant relevance as a model system where to rationalize their atomic structure,…
How are the STM images influenced by structural changes in the tip?
2D metal-organic layer covers gold substrate

Molecular networks provide new surface functionality and could enable the formation of more complex structures Nanoporous molecular systems have become an interesting field. They are well reported as templates for positioning nano-objects and for having remarkable applications in catalysis. Now metal-organic monolayers can be grown in a controlled way using…
Fullerene on Google Homepage

Twenty-five years ago today, on September 4, 1985, the buckyball was discovered at Rice University, and Google is commemorating that scientific discovery with an interactive doodle logo on its homepage El sábado 4 de Septiembre, Google ha colocado en su página de inicio un nuevo logotipo -mejor conocido como “doodle”-,…

Nanociencia y su impacto social DEL 19 AL 23 DE JULIO Se celebró el curso Nanociencia y su impacto social. Participaron los siguientes ponentes: Nazario Martín León; Mª Ángeles Herranz Astudillo;Eugenio Coronado Miralles; Jean M. Lehn; José López Carrascosa; José Ángel Martín Gago; José Manuel Pingarrón Carrazón; Fernando Briones; José…
fiesta ESISNA-2010
Interplay between fast diffusion and molecular interaction in the formation of self-assembled nano-structures of S-Cysteine on Au(111)

Fast diffusing cysteine molecules on the Au surface can be regarded as a 2D molecular gas. Molecular “evaporation” and “condensation” from the gas on the surface morphological features takes place continuously. This process leads progressively to the formation of a number of stable arrangements, not previously reported, like single-molecular rows,…