Interplay between fast diffusion and molecular interaction in the formation of self-assembled nano-structures of S-Cysteine on Au(111)

Fast diffusing cysteine molecules on the Au surface can be regarded as a 2D molecular gas. Molecular “evaporation” and “condensation” from the gas on the surface morphological features takes place continuously. This process leads progressively to the formation of a number of stable arrangements, not previously reported, like single-molecular rows,…

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Alhambra in ACSIN-10

Most of the people of the ESISNA group have attended to the international conference: «Atomic controlled surfaces and interfaces- ACSIN» held in Granada (September-2009). The conference was mainly devoted to discuss about epitaxial graphene layers and organic molecules on surfaces.After the long scientific sessions we found also time for visiting…

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Cada año, antes del verano, nos reunimos los integrantes del grupo junto con nuestros colegas del CAB en el campo para hacer una barbacoa a la hora de comer y luego, por la tarde,  una fiesta en la que están invitados todos los amigos y colegas. ¡¡ Hay cerveza y…

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