Graphene and Graphene derivatives are promising nanostructures to create new atomically precise materials. However, to this goal, it is important to functionalize and manipulate the graphene network in order to include specific species that confer new functionalities to the layer. We have used X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy in order to determine the chemical species included into the graphene network in two different approaches:
First we have studied reduced graphene oxide derivatives in collaboration with the Polymer Science and Technology Institute of Madrid (ICTP-CSIC).We have followed Clik-chemistry for functionalizing graphene with a Conjugated Poly (fluorine).
Here is a summary of the results published in Chem.-Eur. J. 18, 4965 (2012)
Second, we have studiedtheoxidized graphene species grown by using a new CVD based methodology at the University of Aveiro (Portugal).
Here is a summary of the results published in Scientific Reports 2, 00682 (2012)