Why individual heptagonal rings are not stable on surfaces?
Graphene nanoribbons, GNRs, – narrow stripes of graphene – are predicted to exhibit attractive electronic properties for the fabrication of nanoscale electronic devices. This 1D material shows semiconducting properties that can be tuned by modifying its length, width, or topology border; but also, with the presence of defects in form…
First European users of Stardust at ICMM!
PhotoSurf: ESISNA starts new research project side by side with FRONCAT
ESISNA, research group in Material Science, and FRONCAT, research group in Chemistry, will work together on PhotoSurf, a synergy I+D project of the Comunidad de Madrid. Both groups will join forces to mimic the photosynthesis process of plants and generate new materials using light. Project FOTOSURF-CM, ref. Y2020/NMT-6469
Nota de prensa del CSIC sobre un nuevo libro del vacío y sus aplicaciones
THE “INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES BASED ON NANOSCOPIC SYSTEMS” GROUP (ESISNA) (http://www.icmm.csic.es/esisna/) OF THE “ Institute of Materials Science of Madrid (ICMM-CSIC)” IS SEEKING THREE POST-DOCS 1.- Surface photochemistry: In the framework of a Synergy Project, we are seeking a postdoc with experience in STM (or nc-AFM), XPS and other surface characterization…
Se ofrece contrato predoctoral de 4 años (contrato FPI asociado a proyecto) para la realización de una tesis doctoral en el consorcio ESISNA (http://www.icmm.csic.es/esisna/) / SENELC, pertenecientes al Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM-CSIC) y a la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). La tesis doctoral se enmarca…
Nowadays, there is an urgent need for the development of sustainable processes to produce synthetic chemicals, including long-chain aliphatic hydrocarbons. Whereas current industrial processes make use of non-abundant metal catalysts and high temperatures and pressures, we have explored an alternative gas-phase synthesis using only atomic carbon and molecular hydrogen along…
Dysprosium-directed metallosupramolecular network on graphene/Ir(111) (CHEM. COMMUN. 2021)
The interest in exploiting the unique properties of lanthanides has led to the recent design of two-dimensional coordination networks incorporating f-block elements on metallic surfaces. In order to take this field to the next step of progression, it is necessary to electronically decouple these two-dimensional architectures from the metallic surface…
From high quality packing to disordered nucleation or phase separation in donor/acceptor interfaces: ClAlPc-C60 on Au(111) (PHYS. CHEM. CHEM. PHYS. 2021)
The dramatic consequences that the orientation adopted by the molecular dipoles, in diverse arrays of chloroaluminum phthalocyanine (ClAlPc) on Au(111), have on the ulterior adsorption and growth of C60 are explored by means of an all scanning probe microscopy approach. The unidirectional downwards organization of the molecular dipoles at the first…
Lanthanide-porphyrin species as Kondo irreversible switches through tip-induced coordination chemistry (NANOSCALE 2021)
Metallosupramolecular chemical protocols are applied to in situ design dysprosium porphyrin complexes on Au(111) by sequential deposition of 2H-4FTPP species and Dy, resulting in the production of premetallated Dy-2H-4FTPP, partially metallated Dy-1H-4FTPP and fully metallated Dy-0H-4FTPP complexes, as determined by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. A zero…