New european patent

The European Union patent EP19382510 has been filed with the title “Method for nanostructured materials fabrication combining soft lithographic imprint, aluminium anodization and metal sputtering” by Manuel Vazquez (ICMM/CSIC), David Gonzalez (ICMM/CSIC) and David Navas (Porto University).

New pHD Doctor in the group

Jose Angel Fernandez Roldán defended his work entitled “Micromagnetism of cylindrical nanowires with compositional and geometric modulations” supervised by Dr. Rafael Perez del Real and Dr. Oksana Chubykalo-Fesenko, and the scientific advice of Prof. Manuel Vazquez, to become Doctor in Physics by the Autonomous University of Madrid. The defense was taken in June 3rd, and […]

New people in the group

Since 1st of June Dr. David Navas Otero has joined the group after he was awarded with a  Ramón y Cajal contract.

New projects

The group has been awarded with two i-LINK projects supported by CSIC for the period 2019-2020:

i-LINKA20052  “Nanorobots and sensors based on magnetic nanowires”

Coordinated by Manuel Vázquez, and partners from Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems at ETH, Zurich (Dr. S. Pané), Sensing, Magnetism and Microsystems group at KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia (Ass. […]