New paper of the group

“Nanopatterned hard/soft bilayer magnetic antidot arrays with long-range periodicity”

Andreas Kaidatzis, Rafael P. del Real, Raquel Alvaro, Dimitrios Niarchos, Manuel Vázquez, José Miguel García-Martín

J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 2019, 166142



A top-down approach using focused ion beam has been employed to fabricate Co/Permalloy hard-soft bilayer magnetic antidot arrays. These nanopatterned films are […]

New paper of the group

“Time-resolved motion of a single domain wall controlled by a local tunable barrier”

Esther Calle, Manuel Vázquez and Rafael Pérez del Real

J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 2019, 166142



We report on the time-resolved dynamics of a single magnetic domain wall (DW) under the influence of a tunable barrier in a Fe-rich microwire. […]

New people in the group

Alexander Valeriano Inchausti is incorporated to the group to perform research on Magnetism of Microwires focused towards his Master Thesis, TFM. Alex is enrolled as Master student of Physics of the Condensed Mater and Biological Systems, at the Faculty of Physics, Autonomous University of Madrid.

New people in the group

Prof. Paula Bercoff from the University of Córdoba, Argentina, is visiting our GNMP group within the i-COOP project (COOPB20307) “Técnicas electroquímicas para el crecimiento de nanohilos magnéticos y desarrollo de un dispositivo magneto-óptico MOKE para su caracterización” supported by CSIC.