New article of the group

AIP Advances 9, 035114, 2019

Consequences of aging on ferromagnetic amorphous Fe75Si10B15 microwires for advanced inductive applications

X. Zhang, R. P. del Real, M. Vázquez and L. H. Lewis

Amorphous ferromagnetic microwires fabricated by in-water-quenching are assessed to show favorable properties as compared to those in sheet or ribbon form. In-water-quenched amorphous Fe75Si10B15 microwires […]

New people in the group

Guillermo Lopez-Polin obtained a Juan de la Cierva fellowship and joined the group on April of 2019 under the supervision of Agustina Asenjo. His project is about tuning the magnetic properties of 2D materials with strain. He will be in the group until March of 2021.



New article of the group

Scientific Reports 9, 5130, 2019

Modeling magnetic-field-induced domain wall propagation in modulated-diameter cylindrical nanowires

J.A. Fernandez-Roldan, A. De Riz, B. Trapp, C. Thirion, M. Vazquez, J.-C. Toussaint, O. Fruchart and D. Gusakova


Domain wall propagation in modulated-diameter cylindrical nanowires is a key phenomenon studied with a view to designing 3-dimensional magnetic memory devices. […]

New article of the group


Scripta Materialia 162, 397, 2019

Strain-magnetization effect in superelastic Ni-Mn-Ga microfiber

Yangyong Zhao, Maodong Kang, Jing Xue, Jiang Ju, Mengmeng Wang, Shubin Wang, Yong Zhang, Manuel Vázquez, Haiyan Gao, Jun Wang

Ni-Mn-Ga microfiber with a diameter of 80 μm was produced by glass-coated melt spinning method at the laboratories of ICMM/CSIC. Its martensitic […]