Rui Silva

I am a theoretical physicist, specialised in the behaviour of matter under optical excitation in the strong-field regime. I obtained my BSc in physics from the Universidade do Porto in 2010, and my MSc in theoretical and computational chemistry in Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), Spain. In 2012, I began my PhD work on the “Study of diatomic molecules under intense laser pulses” in the group of Prof. Fernando Martín (UAM). During this time, I specialised in quantum dynamics simulation of systems subjected to strong electric field excitations. After my PhD, in 2016, I moved to the Max-Born Institut in Berlin to work in Prof. Mikhail Ivanov’s group studying the high-harmonic generation in solid-state targets. In 2018, I integrated the MMUSCLES group, led by Johannes Feist, to start studying ultrafast molecular polaritonics. In 2021, I was awarded with the LaCaixa Junior Leader – Retaining fellowship to start my own group at the Instituto de Ciencias de Materiales de Madrid. I am currently interested on the extreme nonlinear optical response of solid state systems, in particular, strongly correlated and topological materials.
