I am a theory Postdoc working on the topic of transport and cQED in semiconducting-superconducting nanodevices. I have a strong
interest in the conflictful interactions between the superconducting state and heating, magnetism, and non-equilibrium dynamics, a conflict that is unavoidable in current experiments. Beyond this I have strong background in quantum dots, YSR states, and
coherent non-equilibrium transport e.g. Multiple Andreev Reflection (MAR).
I did my bachelor and master in the Niels Bohr Institute, concluding with a doctoral degree titled ‘YSR states in Double Quantum Dots’ with Jens Paaske as my advisor in 2021.
After that I moved to Madrid and worked from 2021 to 2023 as a Postdoc in the ERC AndQC project in collaboration with Alfredo Levy Yeyati. During my time in Madrid I have been working closely with Eduardo Lee’s group primarily on measurements of InAs-Al nanowires.