I finished my degree in Physics at Universidad de Valladolid in 2014 and, one year later, my Master degree in Nanophysics and Advanced Materials at Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
During these years, I was working, in a kind of different ways, on studying the electronic properties in nano-systems. The title of my Thesis explains how I have worked both in experimental and theoretical Materials Science:
- Degree Thesis Electronic shells in nanoparticles (in Spanish).
- Master Thesis Optoelectronic properties in Zinc germanate nano- and microwires.
After finishing the Master, I was hired by Leni Bascones in a research contract position at Instituto de Ciencias de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM), and I became a PhD student under her supervision.
I’m currently working on the theoretical field of electronic properties in iron superconductors and Hund metals.