I am a theoretical physicist focused on quantum computation in condensed matter systems, particularly semiconductor spin qubits and hybrid devices. In particular, I enjoy developing theories for the quantum phenomena that naturally arise in realistic devices, connecting directly with experimental results. I perform analytical and numerical calculations of such phenomena to optimize quantum operations.
I have recently been awarded a Comfuturo fellowship to pursue my own project at the ICMM. In the past, I have been a postdoctoral researcher at the CEA-Grenoble in the L-Sim group, where I worked from 2020-2023 on semiconductor-based quantum computation, focusing particularly on hole spin qubits and spin-photon coupling. Prior to this, I was also a postdoc at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the Silicon Qubit Theory Group from 2018 to 2020, where I worked on quantum dynamics, valley physics, and hybrid semiconductor-cQED systems. I received my Ph.D. in 2018 from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid for my work on valley physics in Si and dopant-based quantum computation.
You can visit my personal webpage that includes my CV and publication list here.
You can also find my publications in Google Scholar.