In this page you can learn about the outreach and science communication that I do in relation to my research topic: superconductivity and strongly correlated systems.
I am also very active promoting women in science, mostly within the Iniciativa 11 de Febrero. You can learn more about my activity about Women in Science here.
I do outreach on superconductivity both in the web and social networks and in face to face activities. I do most of these activities in collaboration with María José Calderón and Belén Valenzuela. They are directed to a Spanish speaking public. For advanced courses click here.
On the web
– Outreach webpage on superconductivity
– YouTube channel for videos on superconductivity. Videos:
- Taller de superconductividad
- Superconductividad en 3 minutos.
- Los materiales del futuro. Superconductividad a alta temperatura.
- Levitación magnética superconductora.
– Twitter account on superconductivity: @supercond_icmm
Book chapter
- El mundo cuántico de los materiales, chapter in the outreach book Ciencia y el azar relativo, dedicated to the centenary of Einstein’s and Bohr Nobel Prize.
- In GEFES webpage (intermediate-advanced level): La Edad del Hierro de la Superconductividad, Superconductividad a temperaturas record en hidruros metálicos, Buscando superconductividad de alta temperatura en compuestos de cromo, Acoplo Hund y estado nemático en los superconductores de hierro, Correlaciones electrónicas en metales de Hund, Efectos multibanda en superconductores de hierro; Los superconductores de hierro en el March Meeting de Baltimore 2016, Avances en cálculos numéricos en sistemas de electrones fuertemente correlacionados
- In blog Ciencia para llevar (general public level).: Superconductividad de alta temperatura, el enigma que desafía a los científicos, Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en Ciencia ¡empiezan dos semanas de actividades
- In Science Platform Conec. Los superconductores de hierro cumplen diez años.
- In the blog of Fundación Aquae. Materiales para un futuro más limpio
-Article in : ¿Por qué las niñas no quieren estudiar ciencias?
In person activities
Talks in Museums or Specific Events:
- 2019-2021. European Night of Researchers. Organizer and participant with demonstrations of superconductivity at the 2019 Edition : Investiga con CSIC in Medialab Prado (see video). Participant at the 2021 Edition: El tren de la Ciencia para en Atocha (see video) and the 2020 Online Edition.
- 2021. Participant at the round table. Científicas Conectadas. Divulgadoras ALUZinantes organized by the Women and Optics section of the Spanish Optics Society.
- 2019, July. Organizer and participant with demostrations in event “Ciencia en la calle, la superconductividad a escena“. within the framework of Bienal RSEF, Zaragoza
- 2019, March. Feria Madrid por la CienciDemostrations with superconducting train at the Stand CSIC. IFEMA.
- 2017, September. Naukas Pro. Talk “Superconductores de alta temperatura. Historias de amor y odio entre electrones“.
- 2017, February. Talk with demostration at La Casa Encendida. “Superconductividad. Un espectacular fenómeno cuántico“
- 2013, February. Workshop at Science and Technology Museum: “Superconductivity: an amazing quantum phenomenon “.
Collaborations with TV programs
- 2014. The superconductivity in TV. We collaborated with the I edition of the outreach program Orbita Laika preparing a section on superconductivity which was shown in one of the programs. Here you can see our levitating linear train at work.
- 2019. Superconductivity . I collaborated with the V edition of Orbita Laika in a section on superconductivity which appeared in a program about the future . See here our lateral levitating train .
Activities at Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid
- Science Week. Since 2011 we organize workshops on superconductivity and magnetic fields for primary school children and general public during the Science Week (November). Generally we organize 3 activities per year for around 400 people.
- International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Since 2017, the first edition of the Iniciativa 11 de Febrero, we have offered some talks and workshops on superconductivity at ICMM as part of the activities of these initiative, This helps to visibilize our female group. I am been deeply involved in the coordination Initiative 11 de Febrero to promote the participation of women and girls in Science. Read more here.
- Visits to ICMM. Between 2009 and 2015 I participated in the ICMM monthly visits of high-school and secondary school students. We talk them about superconductivity and demonstrations of superconducting levitation.
- ESO-Empresa program. April 2014. Participation in the activities addressed to secondary school students hosted at ICMM during four days.
- Course on Nanotechnology for high-school teachers. Participant in 2019 in this course organized by ICMM with a demonstration on superconductivity.
Outreach talks university level:
- October 2021. Fases Cuánticas en Materiales. La fascinante sociología de los materiales ( in youtube). #UniversoGefes. Outreach talk for undergraduate students organized by the Condensed Matter Division of the Royal Spanish Physics Society
- Februery 2021. Historias de amor y odio entre electrones y cómo surge la magia (available in youtube) Talk offered to the UAM Student Association Doble Hélice.
- November 2017. Talk about superconductivity at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Chemical Engineering).
Outreach talks at high-schools
- February 2021. Talk about becoming a scientist at high-school IES Cervantes (Madrid).
- Februery 2020. Talk about superconductivity at high-school IES Fraguas Forges (Madrid)
- February 2019. Talk about superconductivity at high-school IES La Scala, Rute (Córdoba)
- January 2018. Talk about superconductivity at a high-school in Valencia as part of the outreach activities of the Condensed Matter Division Meeting.