Leni Bascones: Outreach

In this page you can learn about the outreach and science communication that I do in relation to my research topic: superconductivity and strongly correlated systems.

I am also very active promoting women in science, mostly within the Iniciativa 11 de Febrero. You can learn more about my activity about Women in Science here.

I do outreach on superconductivity both in the web and social networks and in face to face activities. I do most of these activities in collaboration with María José Calderón and Belén Valenzuela. They are directed to a Spanish speaking public. For advanced courses click here.

On the web

Outreach webpage on superconductivity

YouTube channel  for videos on superconductivity. Videos:

Twitter account on superconductivity: @supercond_icmm

Book chapter

-Article in Eldiario.es : ¿Por qué las niñas no quieren estudiar ciencias?

In person activities
Talks in Museums or Specific Events:
Collaborations  with TV programs
Activities at Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid
  • Science Week. Since 2011 we organize workshops on superconductivity and magnetic fields for primary school children and general public during  the Science Week (November). Generally we organize 3 activities per year for around 400 people.
  • International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Since 2017, the first edition of the Iniciativa 11 de Febrero, we have offered some talks and workshops on superconductivity at ICMM as part of the activities of these initiative, This helps to visibilize our female group. I am been deeply involved in the coordination Initiative 11 de Febrero to promote the participation of women and girls in Science. Read more here.
  • Visits to ICMM. Between 2009 and 2015 I participated in the ICMM monthly visits of high-school and secondary school students. We talk them about superconductivity and demonstrations of superconducting levitation.
  • ESO-Empresa program. April 2014. Participation in the activities addressed to secondary school students hosted at ICMM during four days.
  • Course on Nanotechnology for high-school teachers.  Participant in  2019 in this course organized by ICMM with a demonstration on superconductivity.
Outreach talks university level:
Outreach talks at high-schools
  • February 2021. Talk about becoming a scientist at high-school IES Cervantes (Madrid).
  • Februery 2020. Talk about superconductivity at high-school IES Fraguas Forges (Madrid)
  • February 2019. Talk about superconductivity at high-school IES La Scala, Rute (Córdoba)
  • January 2018. Talk about superconductivity at a high-school in Valencia as part of the outreach activities of the Condensed Matter Division Meeting.