TiO2(110)- 1 x 2 reconstructed surface: valence band electronic structure

  Full text in this link: Valence band electronic structure characterization of the rutile TiO2(110)-(1×2) reconstructed surface, Sanchez-Sanchez, C; Garnier, MG; Aebi, P; Blanco-Rey, M; de Andres, PL; Martin-Gago, JA; Lopez, MF; Surf. Sci., 608, 92 (2013). DOI: 10.1016/j.susc.2012.09.019   Full text in this link: Small Pt nanoparticles on the…

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New UHV machine at ESISNA

Combined LEED-STM-IR in UHV machine A new UHV machine has been installed in the main laboratory of ESISNA’s Group. The machine combines three powerful techniques: STM at room temperature (the STM apparatus recycled from old machine); LEED (with multichannel-plate especially suitable for studying molecular structures); and Infrared spectroscopy in reflexion…

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Ph.D. Grant offered

Ph.D. GRANT Financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology Rolling grant MAT2011-26534 (Reactivity of Organic Molecules on Surfaces, REOMS) Funding to develop research work in the ESISNA group (ICMM-CSIC) is offered for a person holding a physics/chemistry degree. The successful candidate is expected to work towards his/her PhD…

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Strain-Driven Moiré Superstructures of Epitaxial Graphene on Transition Metal Surfaces

A simple model to explain graphene Moirés on single crystal metal surfaces Graphene revealed to be the most outstanding material of the decade. Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) images have proved the existence of Moiré superstructures on epitaxial graphene due to the spatial coincidence of the atomic periodicity of the graphene…

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