New PhD Thesis

“Continuous and nanopatterned TbCo based heterostructures with in-plane and perpendicular anisotropy”

Nikita A. Kulesh, PhD by the Autonomous University of Madrid (Sobresaliente cum laude), supervised by Manuel Vázquez and Vladimir O. Vaskovskii

This thesis focuses on investigation of magnetic properties and magnetization reversal processes in continuous and antidot patterned TbCo ferrimagnetic amorphous films with perpendicular […]

New paper of the group

“Enhanced in-plane magnetic anisotropy in thermally treated arrays of Co-Pt nanowires”

Fernando Meneses, Cristina Bran, Manuel Vázquez and Paula G. Bercoff

Materials Science and Engineering B 261 (2020) 114669


Ordered arrays of CoxPt100-x cylindrical nanowires (NWs) with x = 90, 80, 70 were synthesized by template-assisted electrodeposition using nanoporous alumina membranes of 55 nm pore diameter. The obtained […]

New patent of the group

“Method for nanostructured materials fabrication combining soft lithographic imprint, aluminum anodization and metal sputtering”

M. Vazquez, D. G. Trabada and D. Navas

EU Patent application PCT/EP2020/066600

The present invention relates to a method for nanostructured materials fabrication combining soft lithographic imprint, aluminum anodization and metal sputtering which permits the preparation of highly ordered nanoporous alumina […]

New paper of the group

“Plasmonic coupling in closedpacked ordered gallium Nanoparticles”


S. Catalán-Gómez, C. Bran, M. Vázquez, L. Vázquez, J.L. Pau and A. Redondo-Cubero

Scientific Reports (2020) 10:4187  

DOI: 1

Plasmonic gallium (Ga) nanoparticles (NPs) are well known to exhibit good performance in applications as surface enhanced fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy or biosensing. However, to reach […]