Celia Martín Morales

Celia graduated in Chemistry from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) in 2023. In 2020 she joined the 4C Fuels team, made up of students from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), as part of the iGEM international synthetic biology and biotechnology competition. The ultimate goal of the research was to engineer a cyanobacterium capable of directly producing a useful product: butanol, and then encapsulate it to develop a photobiocatalyst suitable for industrial needs. During this project, Celia was responsible for the chemical part of the project, which was carried out at the ICMM under the supervision of Dr Pilar Aranda and Prof Eduardo Ruiz-Hitzky. In 2021 4C Fuels was recognised with a gold medal at iGEM.
She then carried out her chemical bachelor’s thesis at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, in collaboration with the Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, on the development of magnetic nanoparticles for applications in the study of stroke, which she continued during her MSc’s thesis in Biomaterials at the Hospital Gregorio Marañón.
After completing her MSc , she returned to the NHBPM group in 2024 as a contract researcher, working on biomaterials with relevant biomedical applications under the supervision of Dr Pilar Aranda and Prof Eduardo Ruiz-Hitzky.

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