• Review on «MXenes vs. clays: emerging and traditional 2D layered nanoarchitectonics» by Eduardo Ruiz-Hitzky and Cristina Ruiz-Garcia, in Nanoscale:
• Special Issue on “Recent Advances on Nanostructured Functional Materials”
This Special Issue (Chem. Rec., Vol. 18, Issue 7-8, July 2018) is dedicated to Professor Eduardo Ruiz‐Hitzky on the occasion of his retirement.
It counts with around 50 contributions from relevant scientists all around the world and it has been guest edited by Pilar Aranda, ICMM-CSIC (Spain), Clément Sanchez, Collège de France, Sorbonne Université, PSL University, CNRS (France) and Katsuhiko Ariga, NIMS & University of Tokyo (Japan).
• Professor Eduardo Ruiz-Hitzky has been appointed «Socio de Honor de la SEA» during the XXV Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Clay Society held in Zamora on July 5-7, 2018. 
• Biomaterials for the regeneration of bone and cartilage tissues from apple waste
Osteoblast cells of a mouse growing on 3-D matrices and developed from waste of the agri-food industry. Credit: Milagros Ramos, Ángeles Martín, Malcolm Yates and Violeta Zurdo (CTB-UPM y CSIC)
• Nota de prensa: Un nuevo sensor electroquímico permite detectar de forma rápida y selectiva diferentes fenotipos del virus de la gripe
• Interview to Dr. María Ángeles Martin-Luengo in Radio Exterior: development of biomaterials for bone regeneration from beer residues.
• Ana Clecia Santos Alcântara, winner of the AIPEA Bradley Award 2013:
Dr. Ana C.S. Alcântara was the recipient of the «Bradley Award» for young researchers granted by the International Association for the Study of Clays (AIPEA) in the XV International Clay Conference (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).
• Cristina Ruiz García, winner of the «Initiation to Clay Studies Award 2013» of the Spanish Clay Society:
Cristina Ruiz García was the winner of the «Initiation to Clay Studies Award 2013» granted by the Spanish Clay Society during its annual meeting held on November 15th, 2013. The award was granted for the Master Degree dissertation entitled “Materiales grafénicos soportados en silicatos a partir de precursores naturales: preparación, caracterización y estudio de aplicaciones”, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED).
• Bernd Wicklein, winner of the Martin Vivaldi Award 2015:
Dr. Bernd Wicklein was the recipient of the Martín Vivaldi Award, sponsored by the European Clay Groups Association (ECGA) and financially supported by the Sociedad Española de Arcillas (SEA). The award was granted during the Euroclay2015 meeting held in Edinburgh in July 2015.
• Marwa Akkari, winner of the José María Serratosa Award 2017:
Dr. Marwa Akkari was the recipient of the José María Serratosa Award, sponsored and financially supported by Sociedad Española de Arcillas – SEA (Spanish Clay Society). The award was granted during the XVI International Clay Conference meeting held in Granada in July 2017.
• Ediana P. Rebitski, best communication award in the XXV Meeting of the Spanish Clay Society:
Ediana P. Rebitski was awarded for the best communication by young researchers granted by the Spanish Clay Society during its annual meeting held in Zamora on July 5-7, 2018. The award was granted for her oral communication entitled “Bionanocomposites basados en arcilla y biopolimeros para liberación controlada del antidiabético metformina”, coauthored by P. Aranda, M. Darder, R. Carraro and E. Ruiz-Hitzky.
• Ediana P. Rebitski, winner of the Martin Vivaldi Award 2019:
Ediana P. Rebitski was the recipient of the Martín Vivaldi Award, sponsored by the European Clay Groups Association (ECGA) and financially supported by the Sociedad Española de Arcillas (SEA). The award was granted during the Euroclay2019 meeting held in Paris in July 2019.