David Aparicio Martínez

David got his Chemical Engineer degree in the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) in 2023. While he was doing his career, he moved in 2021 until 2022 to the city of Porto, Portugal, to continue his studies in Chemical Engineering thanks to the Erasmus+ scholarship, in the prestigious engineering university; FEUP (Facultade de Engenharia da Universidad do Porto).
Over there, he worked in different research projects with international engineer students from Portugal and Sweden, one of those projects became a journal article consisting in ´Cellulose Flame-retardant Film using Lettuce Residue as Raw Material´ which was published in September of 2022 by the University of Porto Journal of Engineering. With another international engineer students group by the supervision of Dr. Joaquim Luís Faria, he did a review about the possible applications of essential oils as agrochemicals, such as: Bio- pesticide, herbicides, fungicides. An impact of nowadays synthetic pesticides and herbicides in public health and ecosystem was also evaluated.
Back in Spain, in 2023 he did his chemical engineer bachelor´s thesis at the ICMM, CSIC, in the department of Nanostructured Hybrid, Biohybrid and Porous Materials (NHBPM) relating to the development and optimization of nano-architectures synthesis based on MOF (Metal- Organic Framework) and clay, for processes based on water adsorption, by the supervision of Dr. Pilar Aranda and Dr. Javier Pérez Carvajal.
After achieving his bachelor´s engineer degree, in 2024 he returned to the NHBPM department as a contract researcher to work in an ambitious project which aim is to achieve sustainable energy production, under the supervision of Dr. Eva María García-Frutos and Dr. Javier Pérez Carvajal.


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