EOSMAD present at Electroceramics XVI
Members of EOSMAD will participate actively at the Electroceramics XVI conference held in Hasselt (Belgium) 9-12 July 2018.
Dr. Iñigo Bretos will give an invited talk at Symposium B (Innovative Synthesis & Processing) Wednesday 11th July (13:30) on:
Low-temperature crystallization of solution-derived metal oxide thin films assisted by chemical processes
I.Bretos, R. Jiménez, J. Ricote, M.L. Calzada
Oral presentations:
-Prof. M.L. Calzada. Tuesday 10th July (14:10) Symposium C (Ferroelectrics)
Photosensitive coordination metal complexes as novel precursors for the low temperature crystallization of metal oxide films: the case of the photoferroic BiFeO3
I. Bretos, S. Ramos-Inza, R. Sirera, R. Jiménez, J. Ricote, M.L. Calzada
-Dr. R. Jiménez. Tuesday 10th July (14:20) Symposium A (Electroceramics for Energy Applications)
Preparation and characterization of large area Li-NASICON electrlyte thick films
R. Jiménez, I. Sobrados, S. Martínez-Chaparro, M.L. Calzada, J. Sanz, K-Z Fung, S-Y Tsai, D. Su, A.A. del Campo
-Dr. J. Ricote. Wednesday 11th July (11:00) Symposium B (Innovative Synthesis & Processing)
Crystallization of Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 thin films aided by nanosheets seeding: effects on the microstructure and local piezoresponse
J. Ricote, J. Nevado, I. Bretos, R. Jiménez, K.J.H. Van Den Nieuwenhuijzen, A. ten Elshof, M.L. Calzada
-Dr. H. Amorín. Wednesday 11th July (14:50) Symposium C (Ferroelectrics)
Designing multiferroic phase boundaries in the BiFeO3-BiMnO3-PbTiO3 ternary system: Phase-change responses and property enhancement
H. Amorín, C.M. Fernández-Posada, J.-M. Kiat, F. Porcher, O. Peña, M. Algueró
Poster presentation:
Tuesday 10th July (17:00 – 18:00) Poster Session 2 – Symposium B
PS-2B.05 – Mechanosynthesis and structural characterization of the perovskite solid solution (1-x) YMnO3 – xBiFeO3 with 0≤x≤1
J.A. Quintana-Cilleruelo, V.K. Veerapandiyan, M. Deluca, M. Algueró, A. Castro