Low-temperature crystallization of solution-derived metal oxide thin films assisted by chemical processes I. Bretos, R. Jiménez, J. Ricote, M.L. Calzada Chemical Society Reviews (DOI: 10.1039/c6cs00917d)

Multilayer ceramic magnetoelectric composites with tailored interfaces for enhanced response Amorín, H; Ricote, J; San-Felipe, I; Salazar, N; del Campo, R; Romaguera-Barcelay,Y; Pérez de la…

You can read our latest contribution in the book of the Metal Oxides Series of Elsevier: The future of semiconductor oxides in next-generation solar cells,…

Following our series of papers on multilayer composite films, we have published a paper in the 31 August 2017 issue of Thin Solid Films on…

A member of the group, Dr. J. Ricote, has collaborated in a work that has recently published in Nature Nanotechnology: Resonant electron tunnelling assisted by…