Organization of symposium in next 2018 E-MRS spring meeting. Abstract submission deadline 18/01/2018
Prof. M. Lourdes Calzada is one of the organizers of the symposium P of the 2018 E-MRS spring meeting:
Solution processing and properties of functional oxide thin films and nanostructures-III
The symposium will bring together researchers working in the field of solution derived metal oxides, providing an overview of the latest state of the art. The topic is focused at advanced chemical sol(ution) based synthesis and processing methods of oxide thin films, patterns and nanostructures, including composites and hybrids, and the discussion of original properties and applications thereof
Please note that the deadline for abstract submission is Thursday 18th January 2018
The conference will be held in the Convention Centre of Strasbourg (France), from June 18 to 22, 2018.
We look forward to meeting you there!