Presence at XIV Reunión Nacional de Electrocerámica
Members of our group participate at the XIV Reunión Nacional de Electrocerámica, held in Castellón (26-28 June 2019), contributing to several oral presentations:
O-01. Thick film solid electrolytes as materials for novel Li all solid state batteries
S. Kobylianska, S. Martínez Chaparro, I. Sobrados, M.L. Calzada, J. Sanz, R. Jiménez, K.Z. Fung, M.R. Lin, S.T. Tsai
Wednesday 26th June 2019 (17:15)
O-09. Procesado avanzado de composites cerámicos basados en BCZT-CFO
H. Amorín, M. Venet, M. Algueró, A. Castro
Thursday 27th June 2019 (12:30)
O-10. Tuning the metastability of BiFeO3 thin films through an aqueous solution-gel processing approach
C. Gumiel, T. Jardiel, D.G. Calatayud, T. Vranken, A. Hardy, M.K. Van Bael, R. Jiménez, M.L. Calzada, M. García-Hernández, F.J. Mompeán, A.C. Caballero, M. Peiteado
Thursday 27th June 2019 (12:45)
O-14. Photochemistry as an efficient approach for the low-temperature crystallization of solution derived metal oxide films with applications in flexible electronics
I. Bretos, R. Jiménez, J. Ricote, M. Osés, R. Sirera, M.L. Calzada
Thursday 27th June 2019 (17:00)