Publication on multiferroic YMnO3‐BiFeO3 ceramics
Our latest results on the application of Spark Plasma Sintering to the ceramic processing of multiferroic YMnO3‐BiFeO3 phases, in collaboration with Dr. Deluca’s group at the Materials Center Leoben Forschung GmbH (Austria) and Prof. O. Peña at the University of Rennes (France), have been published in Journal of the American Ceramic Society:
Ceramic Processing and Multiferroic Properties of the Perovskite YMnO3-BiFeO3 Binary System
J.A. Quintana-Cilleruelo, A. Castro, H. Amorín, V.K. Veerapandiyan, M. Deluca, O. Peña, M. Algueró
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 103, 4846 (2020)